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About Cylestea

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Cylestea

    US114 Kansas - Ban Appeal

    batman you can not ban without proof and when a appeal is requested you MUST PROVID THE PROOF. if you fail that means you banned wrongly and that CAN AND WILL get your server blacklisted. By refusing to provid said proof your admiting you did a flase ban. Enjoy having your server blacklisted
  2. Nexus1 just shut up. your doing nothing but making yoruself look liek a total moron. You have NO PROOF and just liek to ban with no reason and doing so will get YOU banend from the game as well as the server you own with your friend.
  3. Correct me if im worng but dont rocket and a few others WORK for the guys who made Arma II?
  4. Cylestea

    Guy livestreaming just alt+f4'd.

    there was no fire fight. he just got discontected and has proof on his Video log. dont make up lies
  5. Cylestea

    US 1056 locked server(Proper format)

    no its not its a violation of the TOS the server owner signs before gettign a server. if they violate the rules they lose their right to host a server and a judge will laugh at the guy in corut for wasting his time because said guy broke the rules.
  6. so he will sue and LOSE he clearly is violating the TOS judge wil llaugh at him
  7. Cylestea

    Vipeax I love you.

    http://www.twitch.tv/towelliee it will be in his Videos somewhere on 7/27 the rela long one. somewheren ear the last 2/3 hours
  8. Cylestea

    Being Infected....

    your temp drops really low usally around 32 ish usally you get it standing out in the rain
  9. Cylestea

    Worst Weapon In Dayz

    Shotgun. its too LOUD!