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Everything posted by WaddupBrah

  1. Just posting in the medic thread and someone will usually reply and help you. Just had my leg fixed now.
  2. WaddupBrah

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Askar couldn't have been any more helpful, travelled to Stary for me, fixed my broken leg and saved my bacon. Thanks a lot man!
  3. This seems awfully aggressive and will probably make people avoid trading with you.
  4. WaddupBrah

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Thanks, I'll keep an eye on my PMs and this thread, just lemme know what server you want me on and when.
  5. WaddupBrah

    Looking for DayZ Partner to join group of 3

    Where abouts in the UK are you guys from and what's your aim in the game?
  6. WaddupBrah

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    In Stary Sobor with a broken bone from an horrific zombie spawning incident, in need of some Morphine so I can get on my way. Anyone willing to lend a friendly person a helping hand?
  7. I'm in the exact same position, submit an application with RMG, you can find a link in the medic thread.
  8. WaddupBrah

    Your scariest DayZ expierience

    Logging on in the Barracks on the main Air Field at night time, clearing the barracks from the second to last room towards the door and checking for gear. I realise that I missed the end room, walking out of the showers I look down the coridoor and saw a black silhouette just standing there with a gun watching me, I actually yelped and my heart raced. Ran myself into a room and laid there crying.
  9. WaddupBrah

    Zombies? or FPS?

    DayZ was originally supposed to be a massive survival fest without the zombies from what I hear, with the aim of surviving and killing other players being the main aim. This being said, killing other players is still part of surviving in a zombie apocalypse. It's part of the game, either learn to kill them first or learn to sneak. I myself choose to sneak and avoid others, but it's up to you and how you want to survive.
  10. I was just proving that the files I downloaded contained no viruses. Incorrect, the best anti-viruses update on a daily basis in order to detect the latest viruses. Most generic viruses work off of the same base, allowing anti-viruses to scan for generic tell-tale signs and allowing for them to be detected. For this to have an undetectable virus they would have had to either; A) Hand written it themselves from scratch with unique techniques in order for it to not be discovered. B) Be part of an underground forum that releases original viruses. Let's look at Occam's Razor, either; 1) Two people decided to create a script that automatically downloads the beta files onto a presumably VPN and allows others to download them at over 30x the speeds. 2) Two people engineered a virus that's beyond recognition for some of the best anti viruses in the world and are targeting it at DayZ users who're impatient. What gain could they possibly have? Any Trojan what-so-ever would be instantly detected, so there's a very slim chance of them gaining access to your account, even if they did what would they do with a second DayZ account? Steam accounts can easily be retrieved too. Occam's Razor people, Occam's Razor.
  11. So, I've been playing DayZ for around two weeks now and every time I get myself kitted out I end up getting sniped for a mile a way. I don't really mind this because I love gearing back up and it's fairly easy to do once you know you way around. However, it's beginning to tire; the amount of people that KoS when I wouldn't have even gone near them if I knew that they were there is ridiculous. What we'll be doing: We'll be gearing and migrating North, keeping a small and remote base camp down South in case of death, to allow for an ease of gearing up. I intend on having a larger base camp up North, obviously it'll take a while for us to establish any base camps. Anyone who doesn't seem friendly will be getting taken down. Anyone who seems friendly will be let on their way, no need to harm anyone who won't harm us. What I ask of you: Speak fluent English. Have a mic and be willing to communicate often. Know how to read a map. If we need to go covert, I expect you to be decent at it and patient enough to not run in with all guns blazing. Have some game experience, you don't need to be pro; I'm certainly not. Be close to the GMT timezone, I live in England so I'm GMT. I'd like to communicate via Skype/Teamspeak. Apply within if you're interested.
  12. WaddupBrah

    Looking to start a small 2/3 man squad

    Sorry guys, we already made a 3man and got to the Airfield and kitted up :)
  13. Downloaded decently quickly, 300KB/s but that's probably due to my poor net speeds at the time. Took 15 seconds as oppose to my download from the official servers of 12minutes at 11.1KB/s. Exactly the same size and virus free. Some people clearly don't support you and what you're doing, but I for one do. Thank you.
  14. WaddupBrah

    Experienced Player Seeking Comrade(s)!

    What time zone are you playing from, Clerk?
  15. So, I log on today after patching up with Six Launcher to 95248, I'm running around Pogorevka with my M16 and my Revolver. Two days ago my M16 was 2shotting zombies and my Revolver was one shotting, right now I can't seem to take down any zombie with less than 4 revolver shots landing to the chest, it's extremely weird and has caused me to lose a considerable amount of blood. My M16 also seems to be taking more shots to take down any old run-of-the-mill zombie. So I was wondering, has there being a buff to make zombies more difficult to kill? Or is something just screwing up on my end? I tried three different servers, on all of them it was like taking down Terminator.
  16. So I've been playing fine for a couple of hours today, then suddenly me and my brother started getting kicked from servers due to our Battleye failing to update... I then tried both re-installing it from Steam and from the actual Battleye site(Both of them) None of these brought me any luck, instead my OA now crashes as I'm loading into servers. Has anyone got any ideas? Thank you in advance.