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About Freshpro

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  1. Title says it all. I'm 24 pretty friendly and funny and love to just shot on sight in general in a squad. I can fly heli's, Been playing Day Z for awhile know all snipers and mil dot values for all of them. Looking for a bandit clan on these servers specifically. Not looking to play with a large clan just a group of 3-5 people on a regular basis owning shit up. Leave a contact if your interested :)
  2. Freshpro

    Looking for a bandit clan/group

    Yes as of right now I mainly play Breaking Point.
  3. Hey there I'm a former Halo 2 / Heroes of Newerth / Top 50 in the world of warcraft player. Looking for a solid group of bandit players to play with. I love playing on the new zombie infection servers aka BreakingPoint so if a group roams those servers that would be great. Would like if you were active.. since my clan as of recent hasn't really been active @ all. I'm 24 aswell. Can fly heli's easily, know my way around the map and pretty damn good with snipers. My comp specs: CM Storm Trooper Case Quad Core i5-3570k Overclocked to 4.2 ghz 16gigs of HyperX Blue Ram Gtx 570 Superclocked 2 gigs 2 120g OCZ SSD's 3TB Harddrive h80 Corsair Liquid Cooling MSI Motherbaord Corsair P2600 Sound System Steel Series Tiberia Headset Performance MX Mouse Razer Blackwidow Ultimate Keyboard
  4. Freshpro

    Looking for a solid clan (CA/US/EU)

    Thanks but I'm looking for a more solid active clan that plays a lot of Day Z because I'm active playing games between this and HoN
  5. What Argamore said I had problems with Steam and used DayZ commander and it works perfectly. You might need to go to settings or install and download DayZ through it as well as the arma plugin for it there as well.
  6. Freshpro

    New Day Z player here

    Thanks Meik0 I will definitely make a profile with Nvidea and see how it works... I've also thought about picking up a gtx 670/680 recently so that might help as well.
  7. Freshpro

    New Day Z player here

    Haha, Kingpin most of my cousins are actually from the UK and my cousin Rachel actually water ski'd for you guys. So I do understand british accents quite well but no I live in Canada at the moment but can play on EU servers.
  8. Hey there I'm a former Halo 2 / Heroes of Newerth / Top 50 in the world of warcraft player. It's my first day playing day Z but I have plenty of experience with first person shooters / surivival games played a quite a bit of War Z but got tired of it. I would like to join a more experienced clan to quickly gain the experience I need to play this game maybe even a bandit clan even though I'm not really experienced with Arma. About me: I'm a chef at a steakhouse in Toronto I'm 24 years old I play a lot of computers games I'm also engaged really outgoing guy likes to throw out jokes have fun and laugh with team mates. I'm also really active like playing sports: Mostly hockey and soccer and volleyball. My comp specs: CM Storm Trooper Case Quad Core i5-3570k Overclocked to 4.2 ghz 16gigs of HyperX Blue Ram Gtx 570 Superclocked 2 gigs 2 120g OCZ SSD's 3TB Harddrive h80 Corsair Liquid Cooling MSI Motherbaord Corsair P2600 Sound System Steel Series Tiberia Headset Performance MX Mouse Razer Blackwidow Ultimate Keyboard
  9. Freshpro

    New Day Z player here

    Just came from multiple games was interested in trying out Day Z. Played War Z (Hate it completely) Previous pro Halo 2 player and played Professional Heroes of Newerth as well at a point. I didn't really see any clan threads in general on here so I was looking to play with some more experianced people on this game who could teach me a thing or too pick up on things quite quickly. Having a bit of video issues in the game (not having any other problems on any other games aka crysis 3 and HoN) as well.. not looking as good as it should and I'm running on a 2gig gtx 570 Would appreciate any help given :) Edit: Found the clan page :P