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Addicted (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Addicted (DayZ)

  1. Addicted (DayZ)

    Need morphine and blood in Mogilevka

    Depends on how long you can wait rly. Ive got morphine, dont need an AKM tho as I've already got 2 rifles and a M9. Pm me with your server and I'll head that way. (I will report back any outcome from this dubious encounter)
  2. Addicted (DayZ)

    Need morphine and blood in Mogilevka

    Ok, just to give the benefit of the doubt - where the hell is Mogilevka? I can't find it on the map at all. Just say central, north, west, northwest etc and I'll take it from there Edit : no worries, I found it almost direct north of Cherno. I'm far away buddy, I;m in between Devil Castle and Dubrovka. Sorry. I might have helped if I weren't so many clicks away
  3. Addicted (DayZ)

    I'm Sorry Winchester Guy

    For the first time, I actually lol'd in RL. + 1 beans
  4. Addicted (DayZ)

    Need morphine and blood in Mogilevka

    Not sure if genuine or troll...
  5. Addicted (DayZ)

    If dayz were a movie ..

    Couldn't you have picked a better picture for Sean Bean other than this one which makes him looks like a bit of a knob? How about a pic from Black Death, which would have been appropriate lol :P Sorry for the thumbnail, I can't figure out how to embed on this forum, hmmm
  6. Addicted (DayZ)

    Can someone explain the point of ALT-F4

    Probably because there are too many implications that can result. In one update, if you ALT-F4'd and logged back in within 10 mins, you would be bleeding or unconscious. This was met with uproar. In the (most current I think) update, if you server hop too many times the same thing could happen. Or following abort, disconnect, the log out timer was set to 5 minutes and the same would happen. I might be wrong on this, can anyone confirm? I think at one point, ALT F4 was going to be disabled, completely, am I wrong or did I just imagine this amoungst the cascade of updates lol. Anyway, point is that ANY kind of penalty for logging out/back in again, or the scripting involved if someone is in combat when they do so, etc etc is either too harsh on innocent players or too damn difficult to script on Arma's engine. I really don't know the reasons, but I think it's a redundant to whinge about it here. We know, Rocket knows, EVERYONE knows about the ALT F4 queens. Sigh. I feel drained.
  7. Addicted (DayZ)

    Can someone explain the point of ALT-F4

    I think it's an engine thing OP. Otherwise, it would have been nerfed a long time ago.
  8. Addicted (DayZ)

    OMFG Rocket!!!

    You know what, I had this thought myself a while ago
  9. Addicted (DayZ)

    Your stupidest death

    Or script-kiddied. I died along with everyone else on the server out of the blue due to a script kiddie
  10. Addicted (DayZ)

    Yogscast spawned weapons and Admin Help?

    I haven't read this whole thread because I'm sure it's full of: 1. Diehard Yogcast fans 2. Diehard DayZ fans 3. People who try to mediate between the two I personally hated the yogscast vids of this game. I only watched the first 2, but since then have no inclination to watch anymore. I would probably fall somewhere between 2. and 3. of the above list, although I used to be in the 1. catagory. I don't even own minecraft, yet I found their commentry on the game quite funny and amusing. But maybe they've kinda killed their reputation a little bit (how many of their vids have had a 30% negative rating other than the DayZ ones?) by being so patronising towards this mod that has, what I believe a rather large cult following. They probably only did it because they were gonna reap in a load of viewers that aren't currently subbed ergo, make moar money. No problem, all businesses have to make money BUT what I don't agree with, is being an ass and actively putting people off joining this game and community. Trash talk is all I've heard in the 2 vids I watched. Correct me if it gets better, because I really don't care to watch anymore. So I ask myself why they're being an ass like they've never been before? Is it because they're trying to release their own game, but other developers are stealing their limelight? Is it because someone else is being more creative than them? Even as a Yognaught I thought their Kickstarter game was a nothing but a better rendered version of Minecraft. Is it because a mod which they don't understand has become so underground popular without their involvement ala Minecraft? I'm really not sure why the Yogscast have becomes trolls, but trolls they seem to have become. They lost my sub, even though I know one tiny sub in the midst of over a million wont matter but I'm a little bit sad that a previously respectable couple of guys became trolls. Tl'DR. I am disappointed with the Yogscast for spoiling their image with the vids they've released on this mod. Boo.
  11. Addicted (DayZ)

    Weapon changing question

    Hi folks. Just a quickie. I've got 3 guns atm, and want to know if there's anyway to change from my equipped assault rifle to my battle rifle in my backpack without having to go to a loot point to do some time consuming swapping dance. Only reason I say loot point is because I always (no exceptions) lose anything I drop outside of a loot point.
  12. Addicted (DayZ)

    Weapon changing question

    Cheers for the tips everyone. @ takfar - I'm sure I would have done this by accident at some point so thanks for the heads up!
  13. Addicted (DayZ)

    Your stupidest death

    Bug : Outhouse door of death. Gameplay : Being a tw@t who believed the 2 guys with assault rifles in the middle of Elektro who declared friendly were actually friendly; watching one of take careful aim; seeing the words 'HI !!!' pop up in chat before being mowed down like the gullible retard I was. Lesson learnt.
  14. Addicted (DayZ)

    New Radio Station only for survivors!

    I listen to the in-game music, however its very very low. So yeah, I think this is an interesting thing to do to add more depth to the experience. It's up to the player to set the right music volume level, that's all. On a side note, I would love to hear some real arma 2 style radio communication going on in game tbh, just because it's makes the game more 'gritty.'
  15. Addicted (DayZ)

    Logged in today near coast, all items gone?

    This happened to me a couple of days ago. New spawned, got frustrated and did a suicide run in Elektro (that shit never gets old :)) died and respawned back in my original char with all my stuff! Good times.
  16. Addicted (DayZ)

    New Radio Station only for survivors!

    Gimme some old skool Silent Hill music and I might tune in... :) Hearing that siren going off as I approach a city would make me empty my beans into my pants faster than you could say FRIENDLY! Edit: just found out you can empty your beans on your own posts. Mission complete.
  17. Addicted (DayZ)

    Weapon changing question

    Legend. Cheers
  18. Addicted (DayZ)

    shot my first bandit today

    I think stories like this are awesome. I have nothing against PvP in this game, and indulge in it myself shamelessly from time to time as the situation sees fit, BUT my most memorable experiences are not from the random guy/girl I just shot and got a can of beans from, but the supportive stranger-meets-stranger situations. These guys were obviously nub bandit wannabes if it took 2 of them to chase down an unarmed survivor and STILL get pwned by someone I'm sure they weren't aware was even there :P + 1 beans to you sir
  19. This reminded me of the time when I had spent a good half hour raiding Zino and was just leaving the military tents as my final stop off when I heard the sound of a motorbike right up my ass. My story however, is not as sweet as yours. The two chaps proceeded to try and shoot the shit of me, but my strafe kung fu was stronger than them and I got away without a single bullet coming close. My rule of thumb is anyone is a vehicle is gonna be a bastard, but maybe I need to change my bias now. The last friendly I met, I gave a mak to after confirming I wasn't going to shoot him on direct (ok, not great but it was the only spare gun I had with a boat load of ammo to boot) in the middle of Elektro. There was a lot of activity in the city at the time as I heard a Lee Enfield and (probably?) an AKM near the northwest fire station, so this guy who didn't even have a hatchet must have been relieved to have been given a weapon! I was hoping to continue with this guy for an epic stranger-meets-stranger adventure but as soon as my back was turned, he'd disappeared :( no chat, no thanks, he didn't DC or die, he just ... deserted me. Maybe he was the awkward unsociable type lol. I guess I should be happy I wasn't shot in the back as I was carrying an M401 at the time... The most memorable stranger-meets-stranger moment I had to date was teaming up with a guy in some town and heading for the nearest barn with nothing but hatchets. Only 2 guns were found - he took the Enfield, I took the xbow. I (and perhaps We) were nubs at the time and managed to agro a hoard of zombies. I remember only having 2 bolts and when they had been fired, I was desperately telling him over chat that I was out of ammo. He proceeded to die heroicly in a blaze of Lee Enfield glory so I could escape, and escape I did. Kudos to you good sir, you are my most memorable stranger.
  20. Agreed. I've taken to noting the names of servers I've had success with alongside the timezones just to save an hour searching for one!
  21. Addicted (DayZ)


    Interesting that this thread is soooo old. Not only in it's content but literally.
  22. Addicted (DayZ)


    Not sure if I have enough beans...
  23. Addicted (DayZ)

    DayZ Wallpapers

    Awesome sauce & bookmarked :)
  24. Addicted (DayZ)

    Anyone in Cherno? The Good Old Dayz.

    I kinda miss the random chat too. Especially after hearing/reading somewhere that all the russian chat were no more than them trolling swear words at us. I was wanting to complete my repertoire of russian swear words! I'd managed to learn all those that began with A B C D & E, but sadly the chat was disabled before I could get to F :(
  25. Addicted (DayZ)

    The threats in this game no longer exist.

    I'm pretty sure Rocket has already said that all the survivors are immune to the infection, hence why they are survivors. So no, this won't be happening anytime soon.