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Addicted (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Addicted (DayZ)

  1. Addicted (DayZ)

    24/7 daylight servers

    God no! Gimme more night time servers, there's nowhere near enough in my zone (UK/EU) during actual night time hours.
  2. Addicted (DayZ)

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    N No one else seems to be on the Day Z teamspeak channel :( Any chance we could adopt this? I know bandits and such could join but is there any way for the host to disable the permissions/set password unless proven friendly? Sorry I I'm being a complete nub, never used teamspeak before. EDIT: I guess that all depends on whether the server host supports this movement. Blah.
  3. Addicted (DayZ)

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    I'm all for jogging down your way (although I'm practically at Devil Castle lol) but I'm a little concerned about security/location. 2 things : Ideally I would love to take an overwatch position, which I believe this stronghold desperately needs and can bring my M14 Aim to the defensive. But. I avoid Cherno like the plague and have only ever done my city looting in Elektro or Zino. I don't know the city at all :( Can anyone provide some good overwatch positions please and I'll start the trek down, possibly stopping off at a few deer stands to try and bump my supply of DMR mags. I will ensure to stop off at the fort first though (to introduce myself lol) plus I currently have 4 morphines which may come in handy. I will announce my entrance upon arrival on this thread but are you guys on a teamspeak or ventrilo or anything yet?
  4. Addicted (DayZ)

    PvP kills: what % would you do for real?

    Well I can't vote because there's no option for a 33% average! :P
  5. Addicted (DayZ)

    When I have fists and you have an Assault Rifle

    Don't forget the flashlight bug where they look like lightsabers. Damn Alpha's.
  6. Addicted (DayZ)


    Suggest Bandit Campfire sub forum maybe
  7. Addicted (DayZ)

    after you get murdered......

    Nah, I just ran rampant through Elektro not giving a fuck and collecting zombie trains lol. However, I'd say 50% of the time I do this I dont actually die and continue on happily with my new character.
  8. Addicted (DayZ)

    Found a working boat...

    This thread reminds me of this hilarity
  9. Addicted (DayZ)

    A Sad Story

    A moment of silence for our Silent Hero, Maklo.
  10. Addicted (DayZ)

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    Dammit server's full.
  11. Addicted (DayZ)

    This is a simulator not a game.

    I humbly give you the wise words of Justin619 :)
  12. Addicted (DayZ)

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    Well as a social experiment, I say this was a resounding success. I'm way up north at the moment but I may head back down south later if anythings happening.
  13. Addicted (DayZ)

    uuughhh fiddlesticks! (matches)

    Supermarkets, definately the hotspot. But I've also found them in the high value loot houses in the middle of Elektro - directly opposite the shop - and the apartments in Zino before.
  14. Addicted (DayZ)

    For God's sake, SAY SOMETHING!

    Or they could be shy. Or just not in the mood to chat to random people. No need to accuse people of being idiots or arseholes just because they don't feel like talking to you.
  15. Addicted (DayZ)

    Wait for host?

    Wow. Im finally in a server. A blacked out midnight cant see shit server, but a server nonetheless! I have enough rage to go to the NW airfield and bamboozle all those hoarding motherfuckers with my 3 day unused M14 rifle. Out with anger, in with love. So my doctors say, bwahahaha!
  16. I've updated to, only trying to join white servers, not out dated ghosted ones, but I haven't been able to join the last gods knows how many I've tried. Am I doing something wrong here lol because it's kinda irritating now Annnd breath out.
  17. Addicted (DayZ)

    Anyone else stuck on'waiting for host' ?

    bump becuz Im mad and in need of assistance! Helup!
  18. Addicted (DayZ)

    Stuck on wait for host screen.

    I'm getting this same issue and have been for the last hour. Tried to reinstall new version of BattlEye - Nada (i.e. fucking pointless) Tried installing new version of Arma II - 1.61. still stuck on the 'downloading update' page after A WHOLE FRIGGIN HOUR. And I bought arma 2 originally on Steam, using SixLauncher as my mod launcher. Can I get it to work? Fuck no. Rage expelled
  19. Addicted (DayZ)

    I Feel Bad for New Players

    I'm not a complete nub, but....no one cares? Games/life/evolve to best suit the current environment/grow a pair jeez I could go on foreve!. Can't keep up? Become extinct. Enough said I believe. EDIT: because I may have come across a bit trollish in my first post - don't take it all to heart. ALL games have exploits and hacks, even in their fully developed version. Don't have a heart attack over it for gods sake, otherwise we'll have to fill out our first 'cause of death' as being 'death by troll' on the death certificate, and that will never do.
  20. Addicted (DayZ)

    Wait for host?

    I feel the only fix is the grab the nearest can o beans and go spray every mother fucker who even dares offer you a can of sugar free beans in replacement! Fuck the sugar free beans, I want high cholesterol! Side note: I've spent 3 hours (weep) trying to get onto a server tonight with no fucking luck due to 'wait for host' messages.
  21. Addicted (DayZ)

    Anyone else stuck on'waiting for host' ?

    BUMP. The Arma 2 patch has been installing for half an hour! What is going on?
  22. Addicted (DayZ)

    Waiting For Host

    Apparently we have to download a new arma2 patch and Battleye patch. See thread, although it's not looking hopeful :( http://dayzmod.com/f...iting-for-host/
  23. Addicted (DayZ)

    Cannot play, says waiting on host.

    Apparently we have to download a new arma2 patch and Battleye patch. See thread, although it's not looking hopeful :( http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/37391-anyone-else-stuck-onwaiting-for-host/
  24. Addicted (DayZ)

    Anyone else stuck on'waiting for host' ?

    Sorry, I was too angst to search the forums, I was knee jerking. Thanks muchly, I will put your links to the test! Double post avoidance edit : Not sure what's going on, but the BattlEye download wont download :S I've been stuck on Arma2 patch 1.61 for the last 10 minutes with no progression. I have a steam purchased Arma2 btw
  25. Addicted (DayZ)

    thank you!

    Yawn. Not everyone plays 24 hours a day ya know. Due to real life and all that. Boring ego thread is boring.