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Ghost Jager

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Everything posted by Ghost Jager

  1. Ghost Jager

    Need help, stuck in building

    You can't be shot. You're literally inside the model. The area that has no interior.
  2. Ghost Jager

    Need help, stuck in building

    The other day I had the same issue. It corrected itself when the server reset and no amount of re logging or jumping would solve It.
  3. Ghost Jager

    Guns in Residential Areas

    I find shotgun shells all the time which leads me to believe shotguns will spawn fairly frequent in residential/ farm lands. I think we will see more gun spawns in civilian locations later on. Most likely shotguns and maybe a few types of rifles but expect that it will be hunting style weapons like bolt action rifles and assorted shotguns.
  4. I was at NW airfield looking around on a quick raiding run and I was randomly teleported from inside of a building to the outside and infront of a zombie. I shot it and then continued on looting and within a few seconds I was simply dead. No shot, no beating, nothing. My guy made a sound like he was hit "Uohh" with no blood loss or anything and a few seconds later the screen went black with the standard "You are dead." Not sure if I found a glitch or something or if I was the victim of a hack... Either way very unfortunate and with no way to tell what happened I attempted to respawn and it did not allow me. I then exited server and here I am posting about it.
  5. Ghost Jager

    Can we Bury Equipment?

    No, but I like the idea. Throw it up in the suggestions section! Shovels at the current time are used to fill sandbags for fortifications. Kind of like how barbed wire needs a toolbox to put up. sandbags need a shovel to put up.
  6. Ghost Jager

    Takistan map?

    Not only the above, but doesn't the Takistan map have more enterable buildings? Would be nice to have more places to go in and thus decrease the odds of being camped.
  7. So a thread in the General section got me thinking about a way to encourage players to weigh and balance their choice to kill another player and add a reason to not shoot someone recklessly or randomly without punishing bandits. What if players loose some items they are carrying when killed by another player? If someone shoots you will an AKM on full auto or other very destructive gun, bullets currently magically miss all of your gear while riddling you with holes and airing out the inside of your body. My suggestion is to simulate destroyed items due to bullets hitting the player perhaps based on the weapon used and definitely based on where the bullet hits. It would be very interesting to have a certain number of items be destroyed so that the loot is less if you make poor shots on a player (IE not headshots) and thus making it less of an easy way to obtain gear while increasing realism. This would likely make people think twice before just opening up on eachother and perhaps increase the willingness of players to work with eachother as opposed to just shooting everyone and taking what they have. This also does in no way impart any sort of penalty outside of reality for your choice of gameplay as destruction of items happens regardless of if a survivor shoots a survivor or a bandit shoots a bandit (now with the removal of bandit skins this is moot however.) Not sure how feasible or in what manner this could be implemented but if no one suggests things nothing would get done.
  8. I wonder if maybe some loot is destroyed upon the killing of a player would be implementable. I hear the ragers now. Hear me out first. Bullets are nasty little things, and when they rip through a person's body they tend to destroy anything in their way. It thus could be plausible that some items on that person may get damaged to the point of being useless. It would be particularly interesting if it could be location-specific item loss. For instance, say you shot someone with a shotgun in the back - their gear in their pack would be very damaged , however not their on-person gear. Likewise if you shot them in their front, some of their non-in-pack gear is ruined but their pack gear is ok or not nearly as affected. Headshots would render no damage to the gear. Unsure if this could be implemented, but hey it's an idea. This would possibly deter players from outright pvp and would rather encourage working together or at least making bandits be a bit more careful with how they let loose their bullets.
  9. Ghost Jager

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    So..... I guess I'll be the one to ask it....... How do we get wood? :D .... To keep fires going that is! Lumberjack simulator?
  10. Ghost Jager

    Rocket, please read.

    The community of this mod will be it's downfall. Some folks here are friendly and cordial. A far too large portion of them are absolutely out of line, rude, and down right malicious. After reading some posts in this thread alone it is all too clear that the old axiom is true - People behind the anonymity of the internet will always revert to their most base monstrous selves. Many posters in this thread have no sense of civility or common decency, and I hope you all realize this and rectify it post-haste. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. *sigh*
  11. THIS GAME IS ABOUT FREEDOM! (Except for locked servers, sniper rifles, bandits, and everything else... you know what, to hell with freedom.) Ah, freedom!
  12. Ghost Jager

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    I wonder if in the future we may be able to have skin sets? Not sure if Arma is compatible with such a system though. Perhaps one with 'bandit' morality can choose from certain skins and one with 'survivor' morality can choose from certain skins all of which having very little to no overlap between the two skin sets. I personally am excited to go out and find different skins. One question I have though is if a skin being worn is lootable? Say I see someone who has a great skin and I happen to need to shoot them for one reason or another ;) would they 'drop' their skin and if so what would the character look like after the skin is looted (I'm imagining a serial nudey killer now xD)
  13. Ghost Jager

    What was your dumbest death?

    My favorite dumb death so far has been evading the legions of undead roaming the lower airfield and getting inside the hangar only to have a bandit pop around the corner, off me, and just as quickly pop back where he came from. Just one of those "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" moments, but funny as hell.
  14. Thank you for permabanning this ignorant moron and please leave this thread up as an example for all to see that mindless racism and douchebaggery of the highest order will not be tolerated here.
  15. I personally love the OP (regardless of who is right or wrong!) because it is roleplay and roleplay well done! I await with popcorn in hand! To those saying how dumb or what have you the op is for his post - you clearly never played any game in which roleplay is involved. There is no in-game medium to make a declaration of war and as such it was done via the forums. If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all.
  16. Ghost Jager

    Specific server!

    Sounds to me like you clicked on a non dayz server to me. As far as I know you can't alter the dayz 'mission'
  17. Ghost Jager

    Scorped rifles need to go or become ULTRA rare

    To the OP, I really think you are missing the point of this game. It is designed to be a REALISTIC representational game of "if this happened in real life" and is not designed to be fair. It is for this reason that people, including myself, are bringing up realism and real life a reference to your suggestion. The game is not designed to be fantasy. It is designed to be representative of the reality of a what-if zombie apocalypse scenario.
  18. Ghost Jager

    Scorped rifles need to go or become ULTRA rare

    Without even reading the majority of your post (and ignoring your attempt and forcing your useless anti-gun nonsense which is uncalled for to say the least.) In real life (Not fiction books) if this were to happen, the likelyhood of people ignoring "sniper rifles" is absurd and devoid of any sense of reality. Like you said, dying is the point. You can not win. Getting sniped is dying and realistic. If you dislike realism, this may not be the mod for you. Go elsewhere and may you find a fantastic mod that is everything to your liking. Otherwise, stay here and enjoy the game. Learn from your mistakes and take advantage of the pitfalls of the scoped rifle. Don't go running willy-nilly through open fields, crouch a lot, and stay in the shadows. P.S. We haven't shot all of eachother because responsible and law-abiding citizens don't go shooting people because guns are present. Same as we don't eat food because forks are present. :) That is all I'll say on that topic so as not to drift the thread.
  19. I agree with what seems to be the consensus. Zombies being plentiful: Awesome! Zombies respawning rapidly and on top of you: Not so much. I LOVE the idea of clearing a small village from it's entirety of zombified occupants or sneaking around them to gain what loot is there (Or in a big city, but I normally stay away from those.) but I hate having the zombies I just cleared pop back up almost immediately. I also agree that there should be some tweaks to aggro and zombie speed/ intelligence. Otherwise I think the update is great! Oh and maybe some less panic attacks.... I panic enough on my own xD
  20. Ghost Jager

    New starter weapon [PIC]

    You know, this actually would be pretty cool, considering how making a suppressor (AKA "Silencer"... ugh) is a fairly simple and straight forward process. A bean can suppressor would be pretty awesome! :D
  21. Ghost Jager

    Scorped rifles need to go or become ULTRA rare

    You do understand how absolutely common, around the entire world, a basic scoped rifle like the CZ 550 is? If realism is intended, it can easily be seen that having a plethora of CZ 550's is a fairly accurate portrayal of real life. I myself (living in America) own a total of 10 various bolt action rifles with scopes for hunting and target shooting. It is perfectly plausible that in a post-apocalyptic scenario one of the easiest to get weapons would be a bolt-action rifle and on that rifle it is equally plausible to have a scope seeing as one can be purchased at a hardware store and practically any other store that stocks hunting or sports equipment in many countries around the world. Just my two-bits.