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Posts posted by commanderjbug

  1. i love it when people blame bandits for killing them when 95% of the time it's their own sloppy play that leads to their demise. i bet you were standing upright in the middle of an open field when you got shot.

    and it's kind of funny that you're complaining about PvP but you're trying to go to the NW airstrip, which is only one of the biggest PvP hotspots on the map. what the fuck were you expecting?

    I was crouch walking in a dense forest. I was hoping to then sneak into the hangars at the Airfield, it's just that I knew to expect people there, just not in the middle of the woods out of nowhere.

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  2. After hours I found an AK-74 and I was making my way up into the NW Airport from near Green Mountain and then I just randomly died. I don't know what killed me. The first hit knocked me out and removed 2500 blood, then I got hit again while I was down and died.

    Why the fuck do people have to kill each other? It's just so damn annoying that you spend hours getting your equipment just so you can randomly get killed by someone you can't even see. I was looking all over the place and I didn't see anyone around, I don't know where he came from. I wish the mod would give players a reason not to kill each other. If I wanted to play PvP I would have just played a normal ArmA multiplayer game.

  3. I have a new route.

    First you go to the left of Chernagorsk. You go to the Church near the water and then the Supermarket down the street. After that, go to the Balota Airfield and check the buildings. After that, you should have some decent weapons and a LOT of supplies.

  4. Well, I snuck into a town and got some guns. After that, I went into Chernarus, got a LOT of food, water, and even a Winchester 1866. Unfortunately, I stumbled upon a few zombies that snuck up on me and I had to shott them. After I shot them I high-tailed it out of the City. Once I was almost out I just randomly got shot by someone like a mile away while I was by the train tracks.

    Sucks, meh.

    Now I want to try and find a helicopter.

  5. So I'm new to DayZ, but I've played ArmA for about a year so I can take care of myself. I still have one question, where can I find people? Where do people usually go?

    I've heard on youtube that a lot of people go to Green Mountain, the big radio antennae. Is this true?

    Thanks for the help.
