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Sergeant Squatt

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Everything posted by Sergeant Squatt

  1. Sergeant Squatt

    Crashed Ambulance Car inland with medical supplies.

    Greatest Idea i have seen yet, Make them spawn not in cities mostly but in country would be better even. MUST HAVE THIS *GIVES BEANS*
  2. Sergeant Squatt

    What should our next competition be?

    I like the idea about A Easter Egg competition!
  3. Sergeant Squatt

    Bohemia Collaberation and more!

    It would be nice to see a Collboration effort between Bohemia and Day Z for ARMA 3 Also bring back global chat and bandit skins!
  4. Sergeant Squatt

    Looking for clan

    I have been playing for about 4 days now non - stop literally. I know that's not alot of time but I got the hang of it know. I've gotten sniper rifles and shotguns and a ak47 once. I've fixed up a truck and bikes before and know my way around the map. I have skype and if you use TS I can learn quick. I don't really have a favorite server so ill just join whatever one you play on. And im on usually from 11am-10pm. Eastern US Time
  5. Sergeant Squatt

    Need morphine

    Tell me your inventory and ill think about "Helping"
  6. Sergeant Squatt

    The First Time I Killed Another Player.

    Difference between Bandits and Murders? And shouldn't of logged out cheap.
  7. Looking for a US play to team up with PM me/
  8. Sergeant Squatt

    Wait for host

    All Servers basically that are 1.7.2> I cannot join and ive updated Six Launcher and ive gone to the website manually and updated, ive also updated Battleye any more solutions?
  9. Yah Bikes are easier to upkeep and are quieter and stealthier and go fast enough
  10. Sergeant Squatt


    I've been playing for about a week now and was wondering where do tents spawn at? Thank you
  11. Sergeant Squatt

    Cannot play, says waiting on host.

    For the Bad character name go to Player Profile > new > *Create a new Character* and select it as your main one (just by highlighting it)
  12. Sergeant Squatt


    The majority of the servers i am joining right now are "wait for host" are they updating or what?
  13. Sergeant Squatt


    Yeah Theres a small bug where if you start playing a new game on V7.1.5 (outdated server) and then you join the updated v7.2.whatever it will not transfer over... And Thanks guys! But all i really find in supermakets are guns, maps and food and drinks
  14. Sergeant Squatt

    Lookin for a team

    I am the leader of a small 4 person team, 3 of whom play daily for about 6 hours a day. Friend request me / Pm me