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TommyT (DayZ)

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Everything posted by TommyT (DayZ)

  1. So where is your proof of anything other than a screen shot with a phone that shows the player list? No one is going to deny there are hacked items on the server as well as people using items acquired from hackers (whether be it from killing them, being "Thunderdomed", finding their cache of guns/ammo, a 'friendly' hacker deciding to give people loot, etc.) going to deny it. None of the aforementioned is proof that people who are using those weapons hacked them in. You know what would be great? If those items NEVER made it into the game/server and if we NEVER had to worry about hackers - ever. However we (the collective of those playing this game) cannot stop that and thanks to Rocket saying there isn't a 'problem' with using them so long as you don't spawn them in then it's not a bannable offense to use them. It's unfortunate that people use hacked in weapons, however unless there's some punishment for doing it it's not going to stop. As to the thread you found: This just in, people ghost (and often on this server log out on that hill). News at 11.
  2. The long and short of it is, you don't have any proof that the owner nor the 'local clan' members have themselves hacked anything into the game; as the proof is in the logs. That's really all there is to it despite the pictures you're having have flown in from out of country apparently. edit: You're not helping your case when you sound like a child with the "liar liar liar" drab.
  3. Oh, this is the same guy that was mad he was killed. Dying words were "Don't kill me or I'll post your server info". Also, the 'local clan' has a streamer that's been streaming all day which easily proves this isn't true. Now, have there been hackers on this server? Yes. As are there almost every day unfortunately. However, they're none of the people that are the 'owners' nor the 'local clan' and just people that like to hack/harass the server. Today's hacking event however can easily be attributed to your saltiness of a post about the camp on Drakon Island. As I quoted above, your dying words confirms said saltiness and it's clear you're upset about being killed on the server by legitimate players. edit again: None of the hacking today had occured until the post about the camp at Drakon. The owner is condescending in these posts as he's replying to people he knows that often play in the server.
  4. TommyT (DayZ)

    Camp location inside - US 38

    How presumptuous of you to think that is what I'm talking about. I wouldn't either, but the other things you were doing I would :).
  5. TommyT (DayZ)

    Camp location inside - US 38

    Thanks for admitting to hacking :)