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IroquoisPliskin (DayZ)

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About IroquoisPliskin (DayZ)

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  1. IroquoisPliskin (DayZ)

    Tips for survival in the anarchistic post apocalypse: (Newb friendly)

    Some good tips here. I would also suggest running only through forests and to a lesser extent open fields. In towns/cities/main roads, I highly suggest crouching at all times and proning a LOT. I just about never get killed when I'm prone, you have to be patient in this game to survive longer, even crouching at the wrong time can get you killed.
  2. IroquoisPliskin (DayZ)

    Day Z is like Chatroulette

    It doesn't exactly bother me when I'm just staight up killed for my supplies, I just hate getting shot for sport/people pretending to be friendly until a moment of opportunity to kill me.
  3. IroquoisPliskin (DayZ)

    Just a friendly suggestion from a survivor.

    Troll bait, nice.
  4. IroquoisPliskin (DayZ)

    Just a friendly suggestion from a survivor.

    Agreed, I don't hate bandits, it's a compelling part of the game that needs to stay in. I'm brainstorming to think of ideas to level the playing field.
  5. IroquoisPliskin (DayZ)

    Just a friendly suggestion from a survivor.

    True but that is something that can't be helped. People are gonna be jerks in any game, it's just a shame that the game punishes you more for being a nice guy than a jerk. That aside, I have no problem with bandits besides the fact that they dwarf the survivors in terms of numbers. Like I said though, what is the point of killing an unarmed man. Besides griefing I mean.
  6. Hey, Bandits. I know we got off on the wrong foot, what with you shooting me in the face. No, no, I get it, you really needed that bandage and painkillers. Passive aggressive humour aside, I have a suggestion for you guys. Instead of straight out killing an unarmed person, why not just hold them up and take the supplies, leaving them alive? I can see you guys shooting on sight if we are armed, but if I'm in town just looking for supplies like you, just take mine and leave me to find my own. I realize you guys can easily disregard this and I expect as much. But the odds are greatly in your favour in terms of survival instead of players like me who don't player kill unless I am positive the player I meet is going to kill me. Anyways, have fun out there you crazy bandits, you. SUPER EDIT: Also, having dialogue in voicechat while you guys rob us could actually be pretty fun/humorous.
  7. IroquoisPliskin (DayZ)

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    Last night I found a guy with a broken leg on the western side of the Balota air strip, gave him some morphine and blood transfusion. He helped me meet with a friend, but both of them got seperated from me before we could reach Nadez. Server 338 if he happens to check this topic.
  8. IroquoisPliskin (DayZ)

    What do you consider the definition of a bandit?

    Bandits are anyone who would rather kill a player than work together with one. I play as a survivor exclusively. It would just be more fun if the numbers were more 70/30 in the bandits favour instead of 95/5.
  9. IroquoisPliskin (DayZ)

    I hope you compensate for your small duck..

    OP don't bother responding to Food, you are just feeding the troll.
  10. IroquoisPliskin (DayZ)

    I hope you compensate for your small duck..

  11. IroquoisPliskin (DayZ)

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    I do have to confess my first murder. It was night-time and the friend I was meeting up with had been shot in the small business office in Cherno, near the hotels. I was crawling my way there as there was still gunfire and zombies near by, he had died just as I reached the entrance. I took his painkillers and moved out of the building where I was greeted by the gunman who likely shot down my friend. He shot me twice, I think, and I put one well-placed bullet into his head, dropping him instantly. I took off to the nearest of the hotels and bandaged myself up, glad I grabbed those painkillers. He, like Han, shot first. I think I was in the right.
  12. IroquoisPliskin (DayZ)

    I'm in a high yield farm east of Zeleno

    Not a bad idea, though I feel much safer with a firearm. I ended up running into a friendly in Kozlovka. Supposedly him and some friends are friendlies like me wanting to group up and survive rather than kill other players. Showed me some cool spots, was definitely a good idea to head in the direction I did! That's why I love this game, cause even little stuff like that is a cool experience you don't find in many games.
  13. IroquoisPliskin (DayZ)

    I'm in a high yield farm east of Zeleno

    Come to US 1012, I ain't scared a' nothin'.
  14. Drozhino to be precise, at least, that's where I think I am. I have a Winchester 1866 with 45 slugs, couple food cans, couple cans of pop. And a couple medical necessities. I want to avoid high populated areas. Any suggestions on where to head from here?
  15. IroquoisPliskin (DayZ)

    What a mess. Amusing stories.

    A few moments ago I decided to hit up Cherno to meet up with a friend by the supermarket. He had to evade some zombies so he took off to the church. I started making my way there when a survivor on a bike rides by. I ask him on voice chat "Hey! You friendly?" I ask. He doesn't respond. I'm weaponless and don't care if I die but he just crouches by me. Just then we're swarmed by zombies, so we both take off in different directions. My friend gets close by, and is quickly shot by an unseen bandit. I double back and see another couple dead bodies by the bike that weren't there before. I haven't got on a bike yet so I thought "Why not!" and hop on, as I'm shot in the back immedietly. I peddle and zigzag out of there but I was already bleeding badly. I follow the train tracks out of town passing a mysterious bus and keel over dead. One of the more enjoyable short playthroughs.