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Everything posted by Sgt.Spam

  1. Sgt.Spam

    The Rarest of the Rare

    I lol'd
  2. Sgt.Spam

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    My only real issue is paying out of pocket for a public server and then not being able to make room for myself when I want to play on it. That's what I don't agree with.
  3. Sgt.Spam

    Newbie review

    You should make that your avatar, forum sig and your desktop wallpaper.
  4. Sgt.Spam

    Ruining ARMA 2?

    The problem with posts like these is that it just feeds the machine. Stop giving the people that are craving attention more attention.
  5. Sgt.Spam

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    I'm don't agree with the current system in place, but I understand and respect the reasons for your decision. I'll reconsider hosting a server out of pocket again in the future when you can guarantee I'll be able to play on it. Thanks again for creating this free to play mod and don't let the negative comments get to ya!
  6. Help me understand why there are zombies spawning around buildings and villages that are lacking supplies. I scoped out a village from afar and found it filled with zombies and not a single building, house or farm that I could enter. Why? I'm not going to risk getting myself killed by trying to take out some Zeds, so what other reason do they exist? Let me guess, because this is an, 'Alpha', right? :dodgy:
  7. Sgt.Spam

    Zombies in villages lacking supplies?

    That's what I figured. Oh well, I guess it's back to looting cities at night. :angel:
  8. Welcome to the internet.
  9. Sgt.Spam

    Seattle Server Info/Discussion

    Did you change the date/time for the server recently? I connected last night expecting it to be night (to cover my escape) but found it daytime.
  10. Sgt.Spam

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    What about for people that donate to keep the server running? What about me, I'm going to be paying out of pocket for this server? Am I not allowed to make room on my own server?
  11. Sgt.Spam

    Seattle Server Info/Discussion

    I had that happen to me today as well.
  12. Sgt.Spam

    Seattle Server Info/Discussion

    What's the difference between veteran and regular or whatever?
  13. Sgt.Spam

    Compressed day/night cycle?

    +1 to OP. I reposted in the suggestion subforum about this to get one of the older thread bumped.
  14. Sgt.Spam

    Respawn Confirmation

    Thanks for the rep and thanks for the PRO TIP! -Spammer
  15. I laughed when I saw this post because I just got one of these and thought I was super lucky. I agree, it should be replaced with something more appropriate and of course made somewhat less common. +1 to more pistol ammo, at least give me a way to fight back against the increase in zombie population.
  16. Sgt.Spam

    Night time visibility & the moon

    There is a moon in game, I've played the game in moonlight before with the moon overhead. You know what's strange, is that it's not the same on all servers. I've been on one server where it's pitch black and all I can see are stars. I hop onto another server (same time zone) and I can see a faint light in the sky and 20' around me. Are there server vars that people are setting in the config? I think it just needs to be consistent.
  17. Sgt.Spam

    How the bandits took everything from me

    Sounds exciting! Takes balls to keep playing though! :D
  18. Sgt.Spam

    Seattle Server Info/Discussion

    Server down? I didn't see it today around noon when I was playing on my lunch break. :angel:
  19. Sgt.Spam

    Respawn Confirmation

    Last night I accidentally clicked respawn in the UI, killing myself and losing all progress. I completely understand that it was 100% my fault. That being said, I think a really smart addition would be a confirmation UI window with a simple, 'Are you sure?' prompt. It doesn't need to be overly complex. Are you sure? [Yes] [No]
  20. Eh, the whiners can go jump in a lake. Keep up the good work!
  21. Sgt.Spam

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    I think players should be prompted to choose the skin and opt in, not be forced into it. This will allow players that want to gain the visible distinction can do so and the more devious players that want the option to befriend and then back stab players can do so without raising suspicion initially by appearing as a bandit. This is a clear way to say, 'Hey, I'm a PvP player" and all of the various things that go along with it.
  22. Sgt.Spam

    How populated is this Mod?

    The mod and the concept is pretty friggin' awesome. It's almost a sociological experiment unto itself. The down side? The game (ARMA II) is buggy as all hell, which only helps to put the mod in a bad light. It's $30 and quite worth it IMO.
  23. Sgt.Spam

    Day/Night cycle

    BUMP! I too would like to see the day/night cycles compressed into a smaller window between day and night. As it stands right now, I play in the evenings (in real time), which means it's always night in game. Night time in the game is fun in limited doses but can get old and annoying seeing it every time I play. The game world looks good and landmarks help with navigation, but running through the forest with a chemlight isn't that exciting after about fifteen minutes. Thanks again to the mod team for trying something different, I will not be surprised if someone offers you guys a job ala Counterstrike and Valve.