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Everything posted by Sgt.Spam

  1. Sgt.Spam

    Reduce the spawn of food/drink

    OP: Try logging out and surviving in the forest. You'll soon realize that your food supplies will run out fairly quickly and you'll be glad when you run across that next can of beans.
  2. Sgt.Spam

    Balota Airstrip Loot Question

    Balota airfield is way too close to the beaches to be safe, but that depends on how you want to play I guess. :)
  3. Ad hominem attack much? Without getting into a deep philosophical discussion regarding ethics and morality' date=' humans do not have an innate desire to slaughter one another (most parts of history notwithstanding) as that is just not conducive to survival. On a basic level, yes we all want to protect our beans but we're social creatures that have to work together to survive (in all ways). It's only through the advent of technology is mankind allowed to be a "lone wolf" and survive. Our genes haven't caught up yet, so if Armageddon was suddenly upon us and the sky began to fall, we would still eventually work together and not go around shooting each other on sight. I think you're projecting here and making a blanket generalization. Looking at the big picture, you can clearly see that being social and working as a group is what's allowed us to survive on planet earth for thousands of years.
  4. Finally a decent game design discussion.
  5. Sgt.Spam

    Idea for grenade defense

    I want suicide vests. Who says I can't role-play my character as a doomsday herald that wants the world to succumb to the zombies?
  6. I've found the best way to pick-up objects in this game is to open the context UI first (middle mouse button by default) and then look directly at it. If the bag is sitting on top of objects, it will be much harder and you will have to try it from a couple of different angles to get the option to appear in the UI. Just another wonderful trait of this game engine...
  7. Thanks for this post, it was keeping me up at night.
  8. Sgt.Spam

    Stop saying "Leeroy Enfield"

    Threads like these that make demands always make me laugh. I'll call it whatever I fucking want. Thanks.
  9. Sgt.Spam

    Put Bandages Back On Mouse Wheel Please

    I disagree with the OP. I think making the bandages take a bit more effort to apply helps reduce the bunny popping, Quake style gameplay and require you to weigh your choices more. Combat should not be a trivial experience.
  10. Sgt.Spam

    DayZ Memes

    ^ nice ass kiss. Here's another one:
  11. Sgt.Spam

    Start with a flashlight, not flares

    I find the ominous red flickering of the flares to be pretty scary. I also don't like the idea of being sniper bait, since the flashlight would give your exact position. But, that's just me.
  12. Sgt.Spam

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    Alpha is kinda cool, since it shows you were there at the beginning. I'm no hipster though, so I voted for the simple DAY Z design.
  13. Sgt.Spam

    DayZ Memes

    Here's mine:
  14. The fact that this mod was made on the buggy ass, under performing ARMA II 'Real Virtuality' engine. Maybe we'll get lucky and Valve or Id will make their own version. Maybe even an MMOFPS ala Planetside II with zombies. How about Trion and Defiance? The engine is what pisses me off the most. The bugs are half of it, because of the engine.
  15. There is no real loss, only time invested... which was spent playing and having fun... so there was no real loss. It's a game.
  16. Sgt.Spam

    Melee Weapons

    Melee weapons? No one has ever suggested that idea before! :dodgy:
  17. Sgt.Spam

    Cut it out with the A BLOO BLOO BLOO

    Great thread, would read again.
  18. If you really would have felt bad you wouldn't have taken anything, you would have just hidden the corpse and moved on. :D
  19. Sgt.Spam

    This is why I love banditry.

    Watch out, we got a bad ass over here.
  20. You can step over wire or get a toolbox. /thread