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Posts posted by 1LongShot

  1. add me i am wanting to play with some better people. sick of the kids and i dont mean by age. i know some who are in there fiftys that act like 10yr olds. my steam name is LongShot. as soon a i can get that MOW crap off my name the better. dont want t obe in a clan, just want to play and have fun with good people.

  2. Hi all, i also am a Marine vet. but unlike most of u i am not a former Marine,i will always be a Marine. no im not raging on ya but im just an old school PI 1st Bn.Hog 1972 to 1978. Semper Fi Once a Marine always a Marine. any who i was in H&S 3/6 81mm Mortar Plt gunner and ATTOW Co 2nd Tk Bn FMF Alt. swamp lagoon (Camp Lejune). im presently in a BF3 Squad but i also like L4D2 and found this from a clan member haven't got it yet but it looks so freaking good i just cat resist getting it and playing some. we have a TS3 server and i can see if we can use a channel if u want. u can send me a e-mail at jonelem1@hotmail.com if ya want. i hope we can hook up some time and do what we do best. keep the faith Semper Fi
