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About 1LongShot

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. 1LongShot

    name change

    thanks guys
  2. 1LongShot

    name change

    i cant find where to change my from mow_longshot to just longshot.
  3. 1LongShot

    Looking for some older gamers.

    add me i am wanting to play with some better people. sick of the kids and i dont mean by age. i know some who are in there fiftys that act like 10yr olds. my steam name is LongShot. as soon a i can get that MOW crap off my name the better. dont want t obe in a clan, just want to play and have fun with good people.
  4. 1LongShot

    Invisible Hacker

    yip we had the same thing happen tonite about 7:30 /8:00 tonite. he was on a ATV went under water and shot all of us, he is a no skill punk ass bitch. i dont mind being killed,but by a hacker really sucks.
  5. i am from Ohio and looking for some people to play with on the east coast. i have a TS3 server we can use. dont care about age just dont act like a fool and its a good. vets are more than welcome as i am a vet from years ago (dont ask....lol)ya im 59 but still 21 in my heart. been gameing for about 15 yrs. so PM or post and see what happens.
  6. Hi all, i also am a Marine vet. but unlike most of u i am not a former Marine,i will always be a Marine. no im not raging on ya but im just an old school PI 1st Bn.Hog 1972 to 1978. Semper Fi Once a Marine always a Marine. any who i was in H&S 3/6 81mm Mortar Plt gunner and ATTOW Co 2nd Tk Bn FMF Alt. swamp lagoon (Camp Lejune). im presently in a BF3 Squad but i also like L4D2 and found this from a clan member haven't got it yet but it looks so freaking good i just cat resist getting it and playing some. we have a TS3 server and i can see if we can use a channel if u want. u can send me a e-mail at jonelem1@hotmail.com if ya want. i hope we can hook up some time and do what we do best. keep the faith Semper Fi