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zenatsu (DayZ)

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Everything posted by zenatsu (DayZ)

  1. zenatsu (DayZ)

    SixLauncher seizing internet connection

    You can always ping your router successfuly if you're connected to it (since its local IP) I've never heard of this issue, and you need to take this up to the Six Updater (or whomever) website. Im not a networking guru, but dat shit broke.
  2. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Noob Questions

    1) No, (I did glitch myself between one and a wall and died due to that) 2) Yes, and they are also fun to troll friends and break hospital windows.
  3. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Need blood transfusion in elecktro!

    Elecktro's church is inaccessable. You sir are a fraud.
  4. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Need blood transfusion in elecktro!

    Step 1: Ask for help on forums Stpe 2: meet random person and give them directions Step 3: get shot Step 4: Nerd rage about it in othe forums
  5. zenatsu (DayZ)

    How to use blood pack?

    If its in your bag, you cant use it. Take it from your bag and put it into your active inventory. Then you can use it.
  6. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Got executed naked.

    I came into this thread expecting a story about being killed with no cloths and being throughly raped. I am dissapoint.
  7. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Any Tips for a noob

    1) Side chat is server dependant (they should have it in the server name if CH:on or CH:off) 2)In DayZ, everyone is a bandit. So really if you see anyone, you might as well avoid them completely, or kill them first.\ and there is no active bandit list, because everyone technically is a bandit.
  8. zenatsu (DayZ)

    DayZ standalone mac compatible?

    Nope (currently there is no word about mac support. So that's the best answer out there so far) and us "CPU know it alls" are called PC users. Which include Mac knowledge. Its a sweet deal, should join us. Its pretty easy to learn.
  9. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Can you play Dayz with just Arma II: OA???

    ArmA II: Combined Operations is a package. It containts "ArmA II" and "ArmA II:Operation Arrow[something]" Its like blizzards "Battle Chest" deals. edit: I hate poeple that break up their questions with the title. You need ArmA II and ArmA II:OA [the expansion]. Which ArmA:CO contains both.
  10. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Quick Question

    Unfortunatly, if you ARE in the debug plains (you said forrest so I assume you're not) you need to respawn yourself. Otherwise, being in a forrest with half your gear means you are S.O.L you can either kill yourself and start over. Or run in a random direction and hope you find something familiar. Your gear cannot be resotred, and what you have is what you have. Shit happens, welcome to Alpha.
  11. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Need blood transfusion in elecktro!

    Do bullets count as blood transfusion? They give you full blood!
  12. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Action menu not working.

    What are you trying to use it on? Its mostly an aiming issue. For example, doors and ladders tend to be off a bit when you're aimting directly at them, sometimes even being too close wont trigger the action wheel. If you are trying to pick up a bag, you need to first remove all the items 'under it' (loot all the items in 'gear' then take the bag). But mostly its an aiming thing. You get used to it after a while.
  13. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Read NOW! Important for survival tips

    So do I, but your English is still appalling. Do you understand that word? Appalling? Maybe I should use something you might understand: It sucks.
  14. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Read NOW! Important for survival tips

    1) That's very gun dependant. some guns roll only 5-6 shots a clip (like snipers and the revolver) where as others have 25-30 rounds (like most assult weapons). Know your gun, and you will learn inventory management. (dont forget to use your bag!) 2) That's counter productive to trying to get loot. What if theres a lot of people in there? You 'could' live with a 7% increase by running alongside buildings! 3) Stay in lit areas, get shot in lit areas. If they can see you, they will shoot you. Condoning death. 4) Every weapon is a loud weapon. Its better to learn what are silent weapons (Cross bow, hatchet, and silenced guns <requires special ammo>) 5) Shoot before one thinks what works? The gun? If it has a bullet, it will shoot. There is no gun jamming mechanic in the game. If you play it smart, you wont be running back and forth between cherno and electro, you would be heading north after you get a weapon (pistol or main, or both if you're lucky) Honestly, shooting anyone saves you, period. Noob or advanced. The meta of the community is 'shoot first and ask questions later' Even more so as 'Kill on sight'. The best way for players to get teammates is to head over to the survivor HQ and find people to play with.
  15. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Should I wait?

    If you can wait that long. Sure. but I dunno about the whole 'if it will or wont' port over thing.
  16. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Read NOW! Important for survival tips

    You mean like when you said that running between cherno and electro gives a whole 7% increase in your (and i mean you personally) life duration? Honestly you are trying too hard.
  17. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Read NOW! Important for survival tips

    Clearly one must provide beans to get 1337 t4ct1c5
  18. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Drink your own piss?

  19. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Read NOW! Important for survival tips

    You mean like writing some random arbetrary post asking for beans to give useless tactics? Also, Don't give shitty 'tactics' and you wont get trash talked.
  20. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Incentive not to kill other players, limited loot.

    Wait, you mean poeple shoot unarmed survivors for other reasons than stealing their flashlights?
  21. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Trading Forum

    Where Trading means "Ambushes"
  22. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Only Controls Needed

    Most used control? W - forward walk Most used group of controls? W, Z/X, and SHIFT. The rest are situational.
  23. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Where is everyone :S

    A: in cherno B: in electro C: in the above cities but you server hop too much to find out. Most likely Answer: C
  24. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Read NOW! Important for survival tips

    His tactics involve running back and forth between cherno and electro. that magically gives him a 7% increase in life duration (Maybe from 20 minutes to about 22 minutes?). A WHOLE 7%! and now he wants your beans. I wonder if his logic and intelligance and stoop any lower...