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zenatsu (DayZ)

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About zenatsu (DayZ)

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  1. zenatsu (DayZ)

    [BSB] Network Recruiting

    I have updated the OP to indicate that recruitment is open. Head on over to www.bsbnetwork.com and apply to become part of an adventurous community of gamers.
  2. zenatsu (DayZ)

    *Standalone* Finding Attachments

    I would also assume that attachments would consume inventory slots? That would limit the amount you can hold. But I support this. Maybe not the 'on the fly' but I support this. By not on the fly I mean you haft to sit there for like 30 seconds or something of that sort 'attaching it'.
  3. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Fix the Hacking

    Should try out Regular ArmA... Its pretty damn fun. I suggest the TAW Domination servers. Quite a good clan with an amazing admins. Also single player is a good kick when you are bored. There is more to ArmA than DayZ.
  4. zenatsu (DayZ)


    Then why am I still here? hmmm....
  5. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Hiding bodies

    Not dumb. In fact not a lot of people even hide bodies. So what, you died. You should be used to it by now.
  6. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Fix the Hacking

    That is battle-eye's job not DayZ. Learn who dose what.
  7. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Quick Question About Camps

    1) people will never tell you where they put their camps. 2) 'popular camp sites' are bad places to put camps, since they are popular and poeple search them out to see if they can get lucky. If you are looking for people to tell you where they set their camps, I laugh at those who tell you. If you are wondering good spots to put your own camp, Put it somewhere illusive, and even yourself will have trouble finding. That is an ideal camp site.
  8. zenatsu (DayZ)

    survivor tryouts

    And into an ambush you go!
  9. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Hackers/Scripters need to stop

    And threads like these are why they keep coming back.
  10. zenatsu (DayZ)

    what can we do against hacks?

    Its not that it will make it worse, its that whoever they choose to be their anti-cheat engine needs to be genuine, or not shit. Like not hack-shield shit.
  11. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Most zombie kills you've had

    OVER 9000!!!!!!!!
  12. zenatsu (DayZ)

    New DayZ Chat Room

    You mean we don't already have an IRC channel?
  13. zenatsu (DayZ)

    what can we do against hacks?

    Pray to god they all get bored and leave. and if someone can write a script to somehow magically bypass a bypass, then they should be working for an anti-cheat company and make phat lewt. My thoughts mainly consist of how retarded you are and how little you understand about the whole 'hacking' thing.
  14. download and install the latest beta patch Do what the above dude posted
  15. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Flashlight dont want turn ON

    English must be your 3rd language. Equip the flashlight in your pistol slot. Then press L. If it don't work, then do as the above poster stated. you can always find chemlights, as they are the better alternative to flashlights (and safer too).