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Everything posted by koppmoscha

  1. Hi there! I am playing day z since two days and I love it. But sometimes my display goes mad: When I enter a shadow or leave it the engine seems to overlight or underlight extremly. It's just like looking right into a flash bang or into deep night. The engine than pitches the brightness slowly to normal. Is this something related to the HDR? Has anyone experienced something similar? My specs CPU: Q9550 2 GB RAM 2x4870s in Crossfire mode Cheers koppmoscha
  2. koppmoscha

    Light flashes somestimes while moving

    Yeah, I know the light effects of Arma 2, I played it for half an year. But this time, it is kinda out of control and to extreme. Sometimes I 've got a complete white screen... Is there a way to toggle off hdr? I can't find one in the options...
  3. koppmoscha

    Server question

    Hi! As quite new to day z I was wondering what 3DP:ON/OFF and CH:ON/OFF in the server description means? I didn't find anything in any tutorial...