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About TechnoBanana

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  1. TechnoBanana

    Computer Specs?

    Yeah you can run it aight on that system : ) Atm a fair few of us are getting horrible FPS so I would hold off buying it just for now. If ya do don't go complaining : D
  2. TechnoBanana

    Noticeably lower FPS on 1.6.0

    Weather is grey and cloudy but normal.... fps is really really low. I am going to try deleting all the dayz files and then redownloading them! Edit: It improved frame rate a bit but its still unplayable, not sure if the rain has anything to do with that though.
  3. TechnoBanana

    Framerate issues

    Yeah 1.6.01 is still unplayable.... : (
  4. TechnoBanana

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    I like the first one, its funny and its true : D
  5. TechnoBanana

    Player Classes + group perks

    I think perks and classes kinda suck... in this game you learn to get good at something your self, not have the game make you better at it. The only acceptions would be reload speed, the more you reload the faster your character gets same with healing. But everything else.. like loot drops, weapon accuracy should be up to you. I can imagine most people that play Dayz have never played vanilla arma 2 and they dnt understand that you have to go prone to be the most accurate you can't sprint and be accurate with shooting. Perks no. Getting good at the game your self. Yes....
  6. TechnoBanana

    Day Z gonna look like Stalker

  7. TechnoBanana

    HOTFIX Rollng Update

    Lol at first I was like..... WHAT THE SH*T YOU MOTHER FUCKE- oh wait... xD
  8. TechnoBanana

    Where's my trusted multi-tool?

    Really Cute Story Boy:Hey Girl doesn't say anything Boy:I really like you Girl doesn't say anything Boy:Ok, I love you Girl still isn't saying anything Boy:And i never wanna let you go Girl remains silent Boy kisses girl Boy eats girl Girl was bag of chips the whole time leik dis if u cri evry tim
  9. TechnoBanana

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    We can eat shit now can we? AWESOME
  10. TechnoBanana

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    : D with this many people downloading it will be done by morning.. xD
  11. TechnoBanana

    Multiplayer FPS drops

    Its all the zombies guys.... and I guess the servers are not use to this many people and the data coming to your pc must be slowing it down a tad too, fucking sucks I get good fps sp..
  12. TechnoBanana

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    God I keep seeing the 1.5.6 post and mistaking it for 1.5.8.... D :
  13. TechnoBanana

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Take your time Rocket, yeah there are allot of bugs that need fixing but take your time to make sure they are properly fixed. You're making an awesome mod people should be patient, if they aint then they can fuck off <3 Much love
  14. TechnoBanana

    Stary Sobor ninja raid with NVG + M4A2 silenced

    Man went to stary sobor last night with my 4 man team, 2 snipers covering me and my friend whilst we moved in.. started taking fire from the big metal barn thing next to the army camp, killed 4 people with sick weapons, lost a man but he tried to be a hero and ran across an open field.. got some sick guns now : D
  15. TechnoBanana

    A question about infected speeds

    Nedarb you got it all the wrong way round.. if they could run indoors then you would be absolutly fucked...