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Everything posted by Jaeg3r

  1. I have been reading the countless threads on this problem however, there isn't many recently. Basically like everyone else, I am unable to load into the game with getting "You were kicked off the game" <-- I CAN loiter in the server lobby though.. I've tried all the common fixes; run steam as admin, verify Arma II and OA, deleted dayz folder, reinstall it, latest beta patches... etc I've never had this issue before however, I havn't played DayZ for a month or so and, coming back i get this error. My only hunch could be something battleye related? Its on the latest version but...im not banned am i? In addition, i was getting the "Bad Serial given in Setup", does that mean my CD-Key is stolen? I have fixed that issue through validating... i wanna play me some DayZ!! Specs: i5-2500k @ 4.5 8GB 1600mhz G-Skill 2x GTX 560ti 1GB (SLI)
  2. Jaeg3r

    "You were kicked from the Game"

    All the advice you guys gave me, I basically said i did...anywho, problem fixed It was a problem with my ArmAOA Config file <-- Deleted them both, arma remade them and voila... Thanks for the help anyway guys :) ***SOLVED***
  3. Jaeg3r

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Not sure if i should of posted this in the suggestions but...Why has nobody, from my knowledge ever tryed to impliment Jets?.....We have choppers...Why cant we put jets in? (Obviously make them hard to repair, use and find) But...No-one ever seems to go on about this.. And think about it for the standalone, getting in a jet and flying to another island far from people....Doesn't that appeal to anyone??
  4. Jaeg3r

    Broken bones and morphine

    I completely agree man, and hell...I'm not against removing the idea that zombies break your legs at all....its just stupid, get rid of it!