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Unknown Killa

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About Unknown Killa

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  1. Unknown Killa

    Horror Stories!

    Being chased through the woods at 3AM GMT time, by a psychopath wielding an axe screaming insults and hitler references. My god, those 30 minutes of near enough none stop running were the worst moments of my life, I still fear the night...
  2. Unknown Killa

    A hacker for once creates smile instead of anger.

    Haha, that was quite a good video!
  3. Unknown Killa

    Stuck at loading.

    You bought Arma 2 + Arrowhead, not the mod. Stop moaning like a little girl. You bought the game to test and find out bugs as this is still in alpha.
  4. Unknown Killa

    LadeeZ Night

    They wouldn't be aggressive if you didn't make 1000000 topics about you being a girl, getting angry, saying you aren't angry while screaming at them and saying retarded insults back such as: I hope you know what a mother in law is...
  5. Unknown Killa

    What's the point?

    You leave the game... you can't save multiple characters if thats what you're thinking.
  6. Unknown Killa

    The Person who owned the server YogsCast was on

    I think you miss the point of the entire fucking thread... I need to grow up? Haha. It's not a big deal? So private servers which are AGAINST THE RULES is not a bibg deal? Spawning weapons is not a big deal? Teleporting is not a big deal? Oh god, you're more blind than I thought. You fanboys are like mindless idiots, you like somebody, fair enough but you don't defend them when they have been cheating. I also doubt you are 22 by the way you reacted in your post.
  7. Unknown Killa

    The Person who owned the server YogsCast was on

    Why does he? It's still CHEATING if an admin is spawning weapons in for some annoying british people (im british before you scream american insults) who show their 12 year old viewers a mod, which in turn the said 12 year old viewers will come on here expecting to be greeted with admins showering them with weapons, die, then come crying onto the forums.
  8. Unknown Killa

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    +100. Also spawn more vehicles. Only cheaters and clan member have them. And they also cheat storing the off maps. Pathetic. Dude sorry' date=' but are you retarded ? Do I have to crawl for DAYS to the nearest hospital / tent ? You THAT stupid ? [/quote'] No, you're stupid. You think the game needs more vehicles? I have found SO many by myself. He didn't say you had to crawl, if you had morphine you could be up straight away, and crawling is an option, it doesn't take DAYS it takes about 20-30 minutes.
  9. Unknown Killa

    Choppers have missiles?!?

    No they don't have missiles in DayZ if I remember correctly.
  10. Unknown Killa

    Morphine spawn rate?

    Risk it, go to cherno.
  11. Unknown Killa

    Wire Cutters
