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18 Neutral

1 Follower

About Emmu

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Stormwind City , Azeroth.
  • Interests
    I enjoy long walks on the beach , talking about my feelings and sipping wine in front of a softly lit fire.

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  • Bio
    Hi , i'm Emmu i go by SookyMcEmmu in game. I play on Beergamez.com
  1. So when i go to join a server i get this error "Data file too short ‘C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\@DayZ_Namalsk\addons\ns_sounds.pbo’. Expected 72827626 B, got 25164270 B"
  2. Emmu

    1.3 Million Players!

    But surely if someone plays on private hives they'd play on a normal server atleast once.
  3. Emmu

    1.3 Million Players!

    1,300,000 bandits.
  4. Emmu

    Your base

    Ill move you.
  5. Emmu

    Your base

    Post your bases guys, this is mine. http://
  6. Emmu

    Heard you like hatchets.

    yeah i figured , still pretty rad tho.
  7. Ill just leave this here.
  8. I would be careful trading on the forums rasta mouse.
  9. Emmu

    ATV's suck man.

    You're truly blessed then.
  10. Emmu

    ATV's suck man.

    Tapped the smallest thing , wasn't going above 10 and this thing just does the most beautiful barrel roll i have ever seen haha.
  11. Emmu

    ATV's suck man.

    They don't lie when they say they're easily rolled. Anyway to unroll them without use of another vehicle. Or will we just have to wait for a "Unflip" command to be put in. Ps green mountain.
  12. Emmu


    all a game of luck haha :) good luck on your hunting.
  13. Emmu


    I found it in its spawn location :) it had a broken wheel so i guess someone crashed it trying to get it out. Repaired it now.
  14. Emmu


    No dice kind sir.
  15. Emmu


    Just found an ATV. Wish me luck in not dying trying to drive this thing.