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Everything posted by Rinner23

  1. Rinner23

    Argh flashlight won't work!!

    Yeah I am stupid but not that stupid =) Also happens to any weapon with attached flashlight...
  2. Rinner23

    Argh flashlight won't work!!

    Will try that thanks mate!
  3. Other people? What other people? Oh you mean the zombies with guns and backpacks full of beans and carbonated corn syrup drink? Dunno, I shoot them all the same immediately.
  4. Rinner23

    I get bored by all these "reality checks"

    Infinite ammo. Everyone same "fitness" level. Not all buildings enter-able. *ZOMBIES* Reality? I don't think so children. Good fun tho!
  5. Mmm.. but don't you ever just wonder.. is it really wet enough?
  6. YES. Will make me shit my pants even more.
  7. The only problem I see with this is that for me, all sounds in the game are at a single loudness, and are not in the correct spatial location. The digital headphones work fine in every single other game. Only ArmaII engine exhibits this problem. Other than that, it could work...
  8. Threads saying petition threads that serve no purpose serve no purpose serve no purpose.
  9. Rinner23

    My Rant: Why I am Done with the Game.

    OP I do actually understand where you are coming from, and have my own frustrations with some of the results of the current game "design" (I say that in quotes because this is obviously not a game in the normal sense and the design is much more dynamic). What I have found to ease my own tensions is to be what I have hated the most in other people.. something I always despise, and wondered how they could be that sort of person. Well now I know what it feels like to be totally heartless, cruel, and selfish... and you know what, I SURVIVED. And.. I hate to say it, I felt the thrill of the kill, the rush of knowing I just betrayed another human being for MY OWN PERSONAL BENEFIT. In a way, I guess I felt maybe like what a hunter does when they kill a helpless defenseless animal .. I am not a hunter and could never do it in real life unless I was starving.. and this game gives me the ability to make that "what if" .. what would I really do.. and yes, its exciting. Very. Please push aside for a moment all thoughts of "morals" and "ethics" and consider what this game really is - A social experiment. True, it is a very buggy experiment at the moment, but I really do feel that the original purpose is playing itself out.. not just in game but right here in the forums. I can see something big on the other side of this, its almost like a small window into the eventual future of video games and on-line social interaction (which actually are becoming closer to each other). In the end it all comes down to a very, very simple rule: I am hungry, you have beans, and I have a gun. I also have no friends either in real life or online (not even a Facebook account) so I have the advantage that anything I find is ALL MINE. I don't have to share, and I will not. This makes your beans even the more tasty looking, and that Alice pack sure would be handy.. but who am I kidding, my decision to shoot takes a mere fraction of a second, regardless of what you are carrying. You can wrap that rule in other, more complicated ones, and start piling on ethics and morals and all that crap... and I hope that happens because that is after all the holy grail of video games: Truly emergent game-play. Oh.. and the bandit campers, I'm coming for you also.. and your tears will taste OH SO GOOD.
  10. Rinner23

    Banned on EU2

  11. TL;DR: People are quoted as saying' date=' "removing the morality system is going to turn everything into a deathmatch, and that's bad", and immediately following it up with, "so because I can't magically see if a person is trustworthy, I will instead SHOOT THEM IN THE FACE, first." If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate. [/quote'] My hope is that the rampant PKing will eventually lead to player-driven gangs/squads either "enforcing the peace" or "raping and pillaging the land".. Until that time, I'm gonna have to take those beans please =)_
  12. The night is not TOO DARK but the damn horrible HUD is TOO BRIGHT. Please, please, please let's have an option to either change the text opacity or hide it all together. The worst thing is playing in a dark room at night only to have the horrible over-bright text ruin my blissful immersion.