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snuffy (DayZ)

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About snuffy (DayZ)

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    On the Coast

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  1. snuffy (DayZ)

    Is it just me?

    vehicals are usualy snapped up right away...then hidden somewhere only to come out at night for some looting. we come across vehicals every now and again and allso lose them....just part of the game,some players specialise in looting towns,some airport and helo crash sites and some just go searching for hidden vehicals and tents...a bit of something for everyone ;)
  2. snuffy (DayZ)

    ATV flip -.-

    dito.... i notice that when its parked even with the engine off...it bounces on the spot, mabe its something to do with the way it reacts with the terrain,i dont see it with any other vehicals just atv's. mabe even have it so if you have a toolbox you can flip it...another use for the toolbox ? but needs looking at for def...to many people die on it for no apparent reason lol. mabe this topic belongs in bug fix section ?
  3. snuffy (DayZ)

    Graphical Issues

    had this issue with graphical artifact allong with others i play with, i can say i dont think its the new DAYZ patch, we started getting them after a update on our server to the latest beta (about 2/3 days before the latest dayz patch i think it could possibly be something that was changed in that beta and the subsiquent official arma 2oa patch.for me it mainly appears on certain buildings metlal objects ie: tank traps,wire fencing and crossbows.... to get rid of it i goto my graphic settings/advanced and turn vertical sinc on then change it back after a little while of playing .( seems to work for my friends allso)
  4. omg...have you heard yourself ? your like one of them records that get stuck..... AGAIN for the deaf...server broke...2 admins and server owner fixed it....server open...and yes we know the rules which is why we fixed as fast as possible....and didnt lock it...just capped player number because of all the restarts through changes...would you play in a server being restarted every few mins then down for changes then restarted and so on and so on ? you wrote... not passworded! from your earlyer post... do you even read what you wright....or is there 2 people posting with the same acc ? :P and this is a classic....coming from you...i nearly spat my coffie all over my keyboard... the words pot and kettle come to mind :lol: i am guessing you are either a dayz police wannabie......(if so...you reported server was reduced to 3 players for a while/we explained why...let the mods decide..) or your just out to wind people up and cause trouble......( i am guessing this is the truth....and i think anyone reading this thread will probably agree,) ps: tecnicaly server wasn't locked just reduced to 3/server owner who had 3 days of experiance with arma (and the only one with access to the server) and 2 admins with years of experiance with arma server stuff going through cfg's,beta's and patches,reinstalling to find a working solution.
  5. the diferance is that one of these 2 things is not aloud in the rules ;) look.... go to our server....and if you see any vehicals driving around....chances are if you shoot the driver he wont have the {SSS} tag..... we have 2 vehicals....so if you can find more let me know where they are ;) almost had the uaz at the NW airport we shot 2 of the guyz who had it but the driver got away.....if you find the uaz theres a can of beans in it for ya. or you can try to find our camp ( if we have one :P ) or someone elses, so dude...go to our server play there a while and you will see....nothing fishy is going on.....join our teamspeek.....others do,i teamed up with someone in cherno on teamspeek the other day after i was killed to get our basic survival stuff. ps:sometimes it loads up fast and sometimes it takes a while to get in...not just in our server.... but you will eventualy load up.......
  6. seriously....whats your problem ? server hasnt been locked once for weeks...........and that was only because of problems we had posted....... you accuse us of farming/duping gear.........first of all...proof.....second of all i enjoy the fact that i have to look for my gear......thats the whole point of the game to equip and survive,i am nor any of our members 15 year old COD players who just want instant weopens to run around cherno like idiots.... if you dont like our server...or us..... just stay away...don't come here with BS story's trying to get our server locked...we have enough problems with dicks who think its funny to somehow keep putting it back to the select mission screen....anyone you know ? ;) if a mod is reading this please do something about this child....he isnt alloud to openly call us cheets without proof ?....ban his ass :P
  7. personaly.... i would rather spend my time playing the game rather than installing/reinstalling betapatches/updates/checking cfg's................ mabe you should rent a server/pay for it and when it dosent run right........what will you do ? i like telly am 40+ years old...not 16....we play for fun ....it would be verry easy for us to think what the hey...lets go play on another server ours has problems,how fair is that on the people who pay for the server ?. on a final note.... i see sooo many complaints about people cant get into servers because they are running older versions of the game/beta patches/stuck on creating charrictor/get spawned in north west plains(as i have been...thats 1 hell of a run to get back to cherno i can tell you) or are just plain buggy.......are you telling me seriously you are against them fixing these issues ?....if so....grow up or stop playing ALPHA games!
  8. unlike some servers we like to keep up to date with latest version for the simple reason the mod is still alpha.... we could roll back to 1.15 ( a stable version for our server as we have linux) ....but that kind of defeats the object of bug testing and the progression of the game..... look around at other topics ( people complaining that servers still running older versions ) the reason there probably still running older versions are because of the problems we are experiancing...... so it makes sence to explore all possibilities why these problems accure waether it be patches,updates,bad client versions etc.... i am prity sure the modders for DayZ understand this and the feed back could help in further patches.. if we had a windows server we wouldent even be having this conversation.......but we dont we have linux wich at present not fully supported. at present we have done all we can do till the next patch comes out to make a more stable server...its not perfect...but its running ok atm. it would be nice to have some CONSTRUCTIVE advice from anyone else with linux server or even a modder from the game if they have better solutions to the things we have experianced with the latest patch.
  9. i am {SSS} Snuffy... mabe i can explain a little better... while running server on 1.15 server ran ok... when we updated to newer version we had major problems, the worst problem which made the game unplayerble and caused major traffic on the server was as follows.... when a player is playing and activates zombiez at a town then disconnects back to player menue,then respawns back in the game the and they are on there own...no problem. however... when in a group and 1 player disconnects back to player menue (not the player who originaly activated the zombies) and then he spawns back the zombies are frozen to the spot ( they still look around and agro...but do not move )... and stay there even when you leave the area untill the player who spawned them disconnects and reconnects ...... so as you can see we were having major problems and it made the server vertualy unplayable.... we have been trying everything...rollbacks to older versions,diferant betas,complete reinstalls,diferant progs for running windows progs on linux servers...even reinstalling our own games to make sure it isnt a corrupt cliantside game causing this issue... we have mannaged to allmost eliminate this problem ...but not totaly ( we think mabe its a combination of linux hosting and latest beta or game update)... but hopefully the next patch will be better... i hope this explains in more depth... i have been playing arma and flashpoint before for many years.....being called a cheeter is an insult please next time think first....wait for server to be open and ASK why it was locked....or just post hey this server is locked but i dont know why,dont post "server is locked so they must be cheeters". btw anyone else who has linux server and have experianced same problems ? thank you and see you on the battlefield ;)