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Everything posted by fully

  1. No accessibility, all hardcore! love it =)
  2. fully

    Help me! i got hacked!

    You should contact steam support.
  3. fully

    Looking for +15 players (looking to start a group)

    Sorry, but lol at experienced @ 17 :D you are a Funnybunny =) BTW: there are 288 of them on steam!
  4. https://www.google.co.nz/#hl=en&gs_nf=3&tok=ZVeX9nrGp5VCk1bBsxxMcQ&cp=33&gs_id=3o&xhr=t&q=how+to+mod+your+dayz+mysql+tables&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&oq=how+to+mod+your+dayz+mysql+tables&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=75ce12d9d8217190&bpcl=35466521&biw=1920&bih=1075 that might be the right direction :P
  5. fully

    Game freezes then un freezez

    Hard drive issues? I play dayz mod in ramdisk. Google it, or download a free ramdisk make a 400MB ramdrive. Start it. Move your dayz folder to it. Change launch setting to find were it is.
  6. fully

    Free running the map

    The map has a boarder on the west and north. after this point there is NOTHING. And yes I have walked along the west edge and north edge.
  7. fully

    In need of some advice!

    You could go to a GTX690 or 2 GTX660 and SLI them together =)
  8. fully


    Haha that was gold m8 =)
  9. fully


    Haha that was gold m8 =)
  10. fully

    Hackers are slowly pushed out

    Do not get too complacent, they are slowly getting weened out. I seen some chat spam come up on the side of screen, I decided to log out. Just when the whole server was killed.
  11. fully

    Technical Support [Guides]

    ArmA 2 is a DX9 game there for you need to install DX9. =)
  12. Go download Take On Helicopters = That is what it will be like =)
  13. fully

    Did I deserve the Global Ban?

    Yep. You used a tool to get an unfair advantage, that the rest of us do not have access to. Goodbye!
  14. fully

    Suicide cult on Fallujah?

    That was gold!
  15. http://www.theoldergamers.com/page/about/ Pretty good bunch of old farts found there =)
  16. I shot a zombie the Farmer looking one, I am sure he said "Fuck that hurt" What else do they say?
  17. fully

    Outside looking in

    I would go SSD and GTX 680. Here is a guide to overclock that beast. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fxXB5iiVS0
  18. fully

    Well.... f***

    Boats have storage? Keep cycling the loot you will get a jerrycan.
  19. LMAO :D Must be something in the water!
  20. fully

    CD key in use

    :facepalm: So you use - download a hack, that stole your cd key =)
  21. fully

    {iB} Clan are ALT + F4'ing Pussies

    :ph34r: WD m8 :lol:
  22. I dont give a shit anymore. Playing on the hive = You know you can die at a instant at anytime! Would be nice to see X was killed by Y, instead of X was killed. Your name will appear there very soon =)
  23. fully

    Good News 9/21

    Good stuff to see something being done, I had a couple of dudes teleport just behind me, just as I went up a deer stand, I was like wtf did they come from? they were both searching for someone...lol 1 in camo, 1 in a hero skin, so I killed the one in the camo first, then the hero...lots of lol's Next thing I was teleported to some area and shot in the face...haha Then It was cat and mouse as I respawned, he teleports to me kills me, did this a few times until I got a good spawn in kamenka, bodies every were, look guns, took a gun from a corps, and shot this hacker in the face and took his ATV for a spin. Dident notice at first he was teleporting to me but as a moving target it was hard for him to shoot me. Then it turned to custard, when the ATV was getting low on fuel. Got to the Fuel tank on the side of the road between Pavolo and Zelenogorsk. Dead once more. Respawned again in kamenka got the white ute, and drove it as far Kabanino, when got some server glitch and game locked up, respawned back in, and the ute ran me over......lol got the 10 minute hour glass, must of given the zombies a fest after 5 minutes I noticed I was bleeding. Could still here the ute running =) Respawn at Otmel - decided to leg straight back to Kabanino, Admin joins the server and starts kicking...woot Just the 2 of us left on the server. Make it back to the ute, still running but very low on gas. Searched around in Kabanino for jerrycans, no joy so went to the fuel tank to the east of the NW airfield, sweet 2 jerry cans and some car parts =) Repaired the ute filled it with gas, and got out of there. After a few minutes driving north, noticed something to my right, as I thought I was pressing the ALT key (hit the space key) the ute goes off the road and hits a tree.....lol Time to start again =)