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About harkonian

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Just thought I'd throw this out there. While we are waiting for news on the stand-alone, why not throw a little love Rocket's way by showing our support for what he is doing? The "Vote for the Next Deal on Steam" now has ARMA II up for vote. I voted for it. Some may argue that pushing ARMA II sales will delay news on the SA, but I'd like to think of it as a thank you to Rocket for all the hard work he's done in the last year and to BI for supporting the mod and the community. I can honestly say that if I had to pick my top 10 greatest moments in my 2012 gaming, DayZ would fill 7 of those 10 slots. Thanks Rocket & BI!
  2. Not injured or shaking. And yes, I've heard it with the makarav also.
  3. When using some guns, the avatar yells almost every time you fire -- like he is scared or injured. Highly annoying. At first I thought it was only loud guns that caused this, but it even happens with the Bizon SD. Is this a bug?
  4. harkonian

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Lost another MP5 when I logged in yesterday. That's 5 weapons that have disappeared so far.
  5. harkonian

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Confirmed by myself as well. Both my L85 and silenced MP5 have disappeared when logging back in.
  6. harkonian

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Exited my game back to the chat room so I could get some tea. Went back in, but got stuck on waiting for character to create. Tried a different server and am presented with the male/female dialog. I ALT-F4ed -- hoping this is a hive issue and my character didn't just get wiped.
  7. The purpose of the change in the zed detection algorithm is to force survivors to use cover and concealment rather than just crawling along the ground and being nearly immune to zombie detection. If you move from cover to cover, you'll have a much easier time than trying to crawl along the ground or crouch. In your debug window there is a new variable: visibility. This will show you just how visible you are to zombies. For example, crawl across a road, and that will shoot up to maximum, something like 190. Any zed facing your direction from quite far away will see you. Crawl in the grass and it may be 12 -- crawl across a bare patch in the grass and it will shoot to 30ish. To offset the greater difficulty in moving in the open, infecteds' hearing is reduced by 50% when there is a wall between you and the zed and rocket seems to have reduced the zeds overall hearing somewhat as well. What this means is that if you are careful you can sprint from cover to cover without agroing zombies by sound alone. Just be careful that they aren't facing your way when you sprint to your next spot and you'll be good.
  8. harkonian

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Had that happen to me as well. In addition to low blood, I also had a broken leg. After logging back on blood was 12K and leg was healed.
  9. harkonian

    NW Airfield

    High-risk actions are high-risk. How is this in any way surprising?
  10. harkonian

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    The easiest thing to do is to use the Six Launcher app. In addition to being a good dayz game browser and launcher, it will automatically take are of the arma beta updates as well as the dayz updates.
  11. harkonian

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    I'd like to know what percentage of vehicles, across all servers: 1. are still at their original spawn location 2. are still within the boundaries of the map
  12. harkonian

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Agree. The thread is now 160 pages -- too big to find relevant information. rocket: I see you are updating the OP with new patch notes. Could you also add any other changes, such as planned patch times, etc so we have one place to look for it? Thanks! I did' date=' and I didn't ask, but it's not easy thumbing through all these constantly growing pages. It might not be a bad idea to update the main post with the new time. [/quote'] McTitties is right, if the OP gets updated, there will be less of those when-is-it-out questions.
  13. harkonian

    Dead Player bodies disappearing?

    Just had this happen to me. Broke my leg walking over the train tracks near the lighthouse between Cherno and Elektro. Didn't feel like crawling all the way to town in hopes of finding morphine. Respawned -- luckily respawned right nearby. Ran to my body within 5 minutes of dying and it was gone. Fly noises were there. There were 5 other people on the server and the body was well hidden, so the odds of someone finding it, looting it and hiding it in those few minutes is highly unlikely.
  14. Is it normal for the m16 leaf sight to always be up? Isn't shift-2 supposed to fold/unfold it?
  15. I did have a primary weapon. That explains it -- I was thinking it was an axe to cut wood.