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Black Widow

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Everything posted by Black Widow

  1. Black Widow

    Annnnd character wiped :(

    It's Alpha. The point is to test the game, not run around owning noobs all day.
  2. Black Widow

    The new North

    I'm hoping we'll see every city with some kind of theme. NWAF military, NEAF maybe helicopter/plane, Berezino boats, Solnichniy trucks, Green Mountain rare loot. We'll see every town with a reason to go there, if not just to pass through it on the way to a major city. Hopefully...
  3. Black Widow

    Allow private hives, but with regulations and licenses....

    Yeah... I've got over 3k hours logged & every single time I've gone on a private hive the admins & their cliques hoard absolutely everything & if you raid their base you get banned. I'd like to see the possibility for passworded servers that operate on private versions of the main server but with zero option for customization on it.
  4. Black Widow

    Real Time or Fast Time, but not both.

    I like the current system. Though, I wish you would get "server locked" so people can't server hop or try to find day-only servers
  5. As others have said, it's purely for stability. It's the same reason there aren't huge loot tables right now or tons of zombies. More stability = easier to test the specific things they are doing because there would be less variables to worry about.
  6. I've been playing DayZ for almost a year now. I've logged well over 1,000 hours in-game. I've also been recognized as one of Game Informers Top 10 Villains of 2012. It's safe to say I play a ton of DayZ. When I first came to BMRF, I was looking for a server I can settle down into. When I first came to the server I gave them the same song & dance I always do. I've had a ton of fun playing on this server specifically. I've always hopped around preying on the innocent, but there is a certain challenge to the BMRF servers you will NEVER get on public servers. Because of the white-list, hackers who hoard all the vehicles or ruin the game are swiftly dealt with. I was on the edge of quitting DayZ not too long ago because of all the hackers. Got fed up with it & came to BMRF. I was skeptical about playing on a white-list server as every single WL I've played on, without fail, has had incredibly corrupt staff who abuse their power. From what I've seen so far, this definitely isn't the case here. I hopped into the irc for a few days to see how fast they respond to reports/etc & tried to push them to see if they actually take their rules serious and they do(Sadly a lot of admins don't enforce rules), and for that I've gained a good deal of respect for this server. I'm not sure what to think about donor perks. It seems more like a comfort & a LOT less pay-to-win, as you start out with a G17, water bottle, and a can of beans. A good way to skip the Cherno BS you have to go through every time you die, but I enjoy that, so why donate for it? I'd like to see more donor options. The ability to donate to use a custom skin maybe? I know there are a lot of skins out there and it's proven to be a successful model in League of Legends & other micro-transaction based games. Over the past year I've come to realize no matter what server you play on you're always going to have that one OP group of players. There's nothing server admins can ever do about that. It's the name of the game. You play in a 'territory'(Chernarus/Lingor/etc) and eventually one group is going to come out supreme. Once you realize this fact about DayZ you start to see the game for what it really is and can look for servers that try to keep things as pure as possible. After playing on almost 10 WL Servers now, I can safely say without a shadow of a doubt(after only a week no less) that BMRF.me is the definitive best WL server in every category Safest / Hacker Free Community Activity Attitude BMRF.me has all these qualities and should be recognized as the best WL server out there.
  7. I've been playing DayZ for almost a year now. I also play usually 2-3 hours a day every day since then, so yeah. Safe to say I do exist. lol
  8. Sorry! I had someone link this to me & I couldn't resist!
  9. https://twitter.com/rocket2guns/status/343853819786039296 Hmm. Maybe we can find a way to work the legend of Black Widow into a radio broadcast? :P
  10. Yes. I'm real. They contacted me on Skype but I never accepted because I get a lot of spam adds. Now I feel stupid.
  11. I had this a while back. I did absolutely nothing different & it went away after ~2 hours. Maybe a problem on Battleye's end?
  12. Kinda agree with the removal of the Ghillie Suit on loot tables. I think it should be something only 5+ish day survivors should be able to wear. It's not something some gas station attendant would know how to properly use, but a civilian who has been around for a while? Maybe...
  13. Black Widow

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    While this is nice, I can't really agree with it. It seems the majority of these cases involve some form of battlelogging and cheating the system against how it has been designed to be used. Hmm..
  14. Black Widow

    That's it....

    Congrats. This is the first sign you are no longer a Beach Baby. ;D
  15. Black Widow

    Stuck at loading back and better than ever?

    Are you trying to connect to a server with a different ArmA II Beta version? You can check by looking in the info under the server list inside ArmA II.
  16. Black Widow

    i wanna get a car or something

    Actually, if you want a vehicle don't look on that map. 99% chance, it will have been moved. If you want to find a car, your best bet would be any of the following locales: 1km radius around Olsha The mountains north of Petrovka all the way west to Skalka Stalka, south following the mountain range down to Myshkino. You'll more than likely find some bandit camps as well. GL Raiding!
  17. Black Widow

    wtb ghilie

    Very low chance you're going to get it for that. Ghillie's were removed from the drop tables in Good luck, either way.
  18. Black Widow

    The loading screen..

    The most common cause of the loading screen is you trying to either connect to a server that isn't running the version of ArmA II Beta that you're running, or your Battleye is not up-to-date. Check both of those, then your problems should be fixed!
  19. Black Widow

    Camp Griefing

    I don't think this is such a horrible thing TBH. It's currently a part of the game and a way to prevent forces from growing to too large of a threat on servers.
  20. Black Widow

    Net Crashing on DayZ Server Loading

    DayZ is really heavy on the UDP Packets. Run wireshark & see if you are having an excessive amount of traffic.
  21. Black Widow

    Unhandled exception during Play

    One of your SixLauncher files is more than likely corrupted. Uninstall SixLauncher then make sure you have deleted ALL the files in the legacy folder. Also, I'd suggest using DayZ Commander.
  22. Black Widow

    HDR going crazy! White out and flashing :(

    Have you updated your drivers? This is more than likely the problem. http://www.amd.com/us/products/desktop/graphics/amd-radeon-hd-6000/hd-6990/pages/amd-radeon-hd-6990-overview.aspx#4
  23. Black Widow

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Killed a group of hackers 1vs7 late last night. Feels good taking out people who are ruining the game. he he.
  24. Black Widow

    Eliminate the Bandit/PK'r Advantage

    There's 500,000 people playing, and you want the devs to look over every case of someone dying? Sorry. I don't agree with this. It's way too much work. Even community volunteers would be in way over their head.
  25. Pretty sure this says it all. Hope he gets banned. Sorry this happened. :[