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The General (DayZ)

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About The General (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. The General (DayZ)

    Horrible performance in cherno/electro

    how so I stated when in game its at about 40% usage. Theres 60% left it could be using
  2. The General (DayZ)

    Horrible performance in cherno/electro

    my issue is Ive got a 7850 2gb with a amd 8120 OC to 4.0 and 8 gb of ram, I dont get where this game fails, I get around 20-30 fps, yet Ive benchmarked and I only use 5 gb of ram when playing, 40-50% of gpu and cpu, so WHY is there an fps issue, does the game not know how to use all the resources of a computer, Ive tried adjusting normally BIG fps gainers and I barely see a 1-2 fps gain, things like AA, draw distance, texture detail, resolution. None seems to do enough to be a difference. Oh and Im on an SSD with 500 read rate, so it cant be data wise. Also Im up to date on latest drivers. The game also slows down over time and things like that. Just curious if there is a fix for stuff like this