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mahoni (DayZ)

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Posts posted by mahoni (DayZ)

  1. Can't do this because steam thinks I need to re download the whole of operation arrowhead, admin and checking cache is not working, it was working an hour ago and after trying to update battle eye it wont even load in now. Also battle eye wont initialize. Nearly lost patience with the mod :(

  2. yeah downloaded executed ran and the version hasnt changed

    im on 1.61

    k WAIT, i ran it from the beta launcher (which i didnt have before) and also set launch options in steam. lets see what the result is, so far good as the version number as changed to the right one.

  3. Well, in game it says 1.61xxxx but when running from six launcher its 1.7x.xxxxx

    Ive been trying servers all night no good. I also make sure the server hasnt got an X next to it indicating the server version doesnt match

    EDIT. apparently i downloaded the wrong beta patch. will let you know how it goes.
