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mahoni (DayZ)

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Everything posted by mahoni (DayZ)

  1. mahoni (DayZ)

    Bad serial number in setup

    Can't do this because steam thinks I need to re download the whole of operation arrowhead, admin and checking cache is not working, it was working an hour ago and after trying to update battle eye it wont even load in now. Also battle eye wont initialize. Nearly lost patience with the mod :(
  2. mahoni (DayZ)

    looking for squads

    Any aussie clans around...? About a month of experience and Im in GMT+10 but i mostly join US servers anyway..more of them and more stable.
  3. mahoni (DayZ)

    Respawn Button - Limited Use

    I just got stuck on an island with a broken leg and lost my gear, zombies ignoring me completely :/ this is one case where a respawn should be necessary
  4. mahoni (DayZ)

    Servers not showing?

    Soo much potential. He is legend.
  5. mahoni (DayZ)

    Servers not showing?

    Hoping its just an update, sick of zombies near me not noticing but then some random one from the horizon comes at me D:
  6. mahoni (DayZ)

    666 server max capacity?

    Had to edit my post should make sense now don't know how I made that mistake. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/46589-servers-not-showing/
  7. mahoni (DayZ)

    666 server max capacity?

    It could* be the new update if you check the other thread about this.
  8. mahoni (DayZ)

    666 server max capacity?

    Yeah cant get into anything either sighh
  9. mahoni (DayZ)

    Updated Server to 95054 now BE kicks most players

    yeah not working here either, the last beta patch didnt work anyway i was on one before that, seems i can only join 1 or 2 servers a day IF im lucky. cant wait till they at least fix this stuff so everyone can at least just get in.
  10. mahoni (DayZ)

    Still can't play DayZ? try this!

    Im not sure but yeah i cant run it from steam, but from beta its good. I just cant seem to get gear now zombies seems to see where i am no matter how quiet i am.
  11. mahoni (DayZ)

    Still can't play DayZ? try this!

    I have it working on a totally different beta patch atm because the latest is making me wait at host. but at least im in :)
  12. mahoni (DayZ)

    Still can't play DayZ? try this!

    yeah downloaded executed ran and the version hasnt changed im on 1.61 k WAIT, i ran it from the beta launcher (which i didnt have before) and also set launch options in steam. lets see what the result is, so far good as the version number as changed to the right one.
  13. mahoni (DayZ)

    Still can't play DayZ? try this!

    Well, in game it says 1.61xxxx but when running from six launcher its 1.7x.xxxxx Ive been trying servers all night no good. I also make sure the server hasnt got an X next to it indicating the server version doesnt match EDIT. apparently i downloaded the wrong beta patch. will let you know how it goes.
  14. mahoni (DayZ)

    Stuck in loading screen fix

    that patch is earlier than the current one so it cant be installed.
  15. mahoni (DayZ)

    Still can't play DayZ? try this!

    Can i ask is this for the non steam version? EDIT just seen the reply for me, well i hope thats the case, i did the battle eye steps too, so ill keep going at it. Thanks for the quick response.
  16. mahoni (DayZ)

    Still can't play DayZ? try this!

    Mine loads all the way in right until just before I can play and then it goes back to a loading screen and just sits there the whole time. Ive been waiting over a week to play this thing D: