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Everything posted by Kingcox01

  1. Hello, as the title says im looking for some people to play with the game gets boring alone soo im from germany and i also can play with english people because i speak the language very well but german people would be the best so if u want u can add me: Skype: Kingcox2 (its a grey white picture of Al Pacino in Scarface :-P)
  2. Hey i play DayZ actually a very long time now and it gets boring only playing alone :-P so i want some people in my back and go hunting in the world of DayZ :D so i have Skype and Teamspeak if u want to play with me just reply this post. :-P My Skype is: Kingcox2 (The picture is Al Pacino in Scarface) :D
  3. Hello, since the last patch i have a BIG problem.. as the title says i always get "Corrupted Memory #6" when i join any server i tried differnt servers with different versions and nothing worked. i hope someone can help me :/ ?
  4. Kingcox01

    Battleye Corrupted Memory #6

    i have made the memtest86+ version 4.20 and it was succesfull
  5. Kingcox01

    Battleye Corrupted Memory #6

    it can´t be my computer memory i can play every game fine but not DayZ and that happend since the last patch that came out and it comes from Battleye
  6. I have exactly the same problem now since the new patch i get corrupted memory #6 every fucking time this is soooo annoying -.-
  7. Hello, as the title says i am looking for a german or english squad. I am actually from Austria so i speak german ^^ but i speak english actually very good and can communicate with english people. So now to me: 18 years old Teamspeak 3 Skype a friendly and nice teamplayer :) So i think DayZ is a very funny game if u play alone, but it will be much much much funnier if u play in a squad so i want to get in a friendly and nice german or english squad i hope someone replies on this topic Thank you :D
  8. Hello, i have a BIG problem sometimes when i play DayZ my game crashes, freezes and sometimes i have to restart my computer and you can hear the music of the game and after that the music turns in some robotic music.. and i have to reset my computer... but also sometimes the game just freezes and i can just end the game but then a failure appears at the right bottom of my screen (your display driver has stopped working and has recovered). My Systemsettings: Radeon HD 7850 AMD FX Six Core 3,20Ghz Kingston 8GB ddr3 Ram Windows 7 Home Premium 64Bit and 500Gb Harddrive I hope anyone can answer my post and really help me i :( i hope for fast answers, Thank you P.S Sorry if my English is bad im German ;)
  9. Hallo Leute ja wie der Titel schon sagt suche ich einen Deutschsprachigen Squad bin übrigens Österreicher ^^.. und ja zusammen zu spielen ist immer noch witziger, lustiger und vorallem BESSER als allein. Also ich bin 17 Jahre alt Hab ein Micro und Ts3 bin übrigens derzeit in DayZ bei den NRW Airfields Tja ich hoffe irgendwer Meldet sich den ich mich anschließen kann :)
  10. Kingcox01

    Game crashes, freezes!!Help!

    Yes so i´ve downloaded it but it says all the way (driver stopped working) this really annoys me :( and the strange thing is it is ONLY in Games at first it was also in Battlefield 3 and Diablo 3 but now the 2 games are running fine but DayZ not!!
  11. Hi, as the title says i have a problem with this game it laggs very hard and i turned it on very high but my computer is actually extremly good i also can play Battlefield 3 on Ultra for example. Here are my PC settings: AMD Radeon HD 7850 Club Edition AMD Bulldozer Six Core 3,20 Ghz 8GB Kingston DDr 3 Ram Windows 7 Home Premium 500Gb Harddrive I hope for a fast answer because this really annoys me O.o