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Everything posted by matt6950

  1. matt6950

    **Planet F8L** New Server US

    Looking good. Have a free bump lol
  2. I am going to be running two servers. UK 174 vanilla and this one UK 174 I plan to have custom mods on this one like heli fast rope, halo jump, streetlights, custom buildings. and some others.
  3. I supose if Dayz.ST have a high load of servers responce time will go down. I still have the Priv server. anyway for me to get into contact with your BoyFriend.
  4. Hi, yeah I saw your server post. I have had a Dayz.ST server in the past they must be doing somthing right the top 10 servers when I checked earlyer, where all Dayz.ST servers. As for Dayzpriv. I done their 3 day trial and found it so confusing. that after about 20 mins I gave up. I have UK 174 that's hosted by Vilayer they are pretty good takes about a day to get a responce, ACP is easy to use.
  5. Hi, Yeah our UK 174 is going to be a Vanilla server all we are going to change is the loading screen to our custom loading screen but that's it. Now on this Dayz.ST server I want your guys input tell me what you want and I'll add it or remove it.
  6. matt6950

    Ghost Operative recruitment

    bump http://ghostoperative.enjin.com/recruitment
  7. matt6950

    Ghost Operative recruitment

    Reminder our site has changed. New site: http://ghostoperative.enjin.com/recruitment
  8. matt6950

    Ghost Operative recruitment

    Bump Note our site has changed to http://ghostoperative.enjin.com/recruitment
  9. Hi, I've read all over the internet looking for a fix. I have run as administrator, restarted my computer, re-installed x 100, verified cache I have tried to delete my arma 2 oa regedit. But it wont let me I hav edone this too: , Run REGEDIT 2, Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 3, Expand Software 4, Expand Wow6432Node 5, Expand Bohemia Interactive Studio Not Bohemia Interactive 6, Click ArmA 2 OA, If you only see 1 file named "(Default)" And type REG_SZ then, 7, Right click the ArmA 2 OA file and go to Permissions 8, Left click YOUR USER, NOT! Users 9, After selecting your user click on Advanced 10, Yet Again click on your username for your pc and click on edit 11, In the drop down menu select This Key and Subkeys 12, You will see allow and deny make sure all allow boxes are ticked then click ok 13, you will be taken back one Dialogue box, Click Apply and OK and the same again on the next dialogue box. 14, Now you should see 4 files sat in your ArmA 2 OA folder, Names, "(Default)" "Data" "Key" & "main" I still get this error: "Cannot delete ArmA 2 OA: Error whle deleting key. my key type is REG_SZ. I ran a patch from some website, that I now know to be a CD Key stealer. I am out of ideas I need help.
  10. matt6950

    bad serial given in set up

    Fixed it instead of clicking on me in regedit i clicked on everyone.
  11. matt6950

    bad serial given in set up

    annyoing thing was it was from a well respected youtuber..... learnt my lesson their! Scanning now.
  12. matt6950

    bad serial given in set up

    erm...... might have been youtube.. I know it was a cd key stealer due to the fact, I have a program (safe) that can detect if it's a cd key stealer or not, should have ran it 1st but did'nt. stupid mistake I know.
  13. matt6950

    Ghost Operative recruitment

    Join up guys great clan to be apart off. Everyone Welcome.
  14. matt6950

    "Found at home" weapons suggestion

    I disagree with Brint about the .22LR I own a .22LR semi auto ruger 10/22 with a 100 round mag I would not want to be shoot by it lets put it that way The .22LR is powerfull enough to get the job done.... good for about 200-300 yards and a push 360 would take someone down in one shoot to the chest... its a good gun, I would not want to mess with it anymore than a 50 cal.... ZimRaggle right back at you I have the rifle above about 10 diffrent kinds of shootguns a nice hunting knife a machete and a few air guns.... Would have more but the UK law sucks lol....
  15. how do i understand the server logs? for example if (!isDedicated) then { _config = configFile >> "CfgLoot"; " Player name protected as I am using this as a example... - #107 "elect 1) spawn dayz_recordLogin}; };
  16. matt6950

    Dayz Admin IRC

    Hi, I was told today by support that their is a Admin IRC that maybe able to help me understand some of my logs they gave me a link to it but never bothered to tell me the password. is their any server owenr/ Admin out their that would be kind enough to PM me the password. Thanks. Matt
  17. matt6950

    Dayz Admin IRC

    i got it support messaged me back with the password, thanks anyways
  18. Recruiting now, no end to this one, just pm me day or night and I will reply when I see it. Please reply with your steam or aouther instand messanger username to speed things long. also please read orginal post befor applying.