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    This is a story all about how my life got flipped, turned up side down, so why dont you take a little minute just sit right theres, and ill tell you how i became the fresh prince of road flares
  1. Admin Abuse is NEVER funny Trolling them, however, IS Day 1: MOTD I recently got in a server called zzzzzBandedKrait for Breaking Point. The first message that popped up for the MOTD was "If you didn't find it, and you didn't repair it, don't touch it". Weird, as I have never seen a message like that before; I shrugged it off as just another distant nightmare and continued to the north-eastern airfield. (For those new to the Breaking Point mod, it now has equal loot in comparison to the north-western airfield). I stopped by Stary Sabor, in order to loot the newly placed barracks there, and, lo-and-behold, a shiny MH-6 Little Bird is sitting there. Remembering the rule (but of course, ignoring it, I ran up there to check it out. No loot. Everything green. Completely full fuel tank. This was a fair chopper. Sporting my new silenced ACR with a HAMR sight, I hop in and fly the rest of my way to the airfield. Upon arriving and, seeing no zombies at Kraznomensk or it's airfield, I decide to land at the radio tower on the hill. Taking out my SR-25 to scope out the place, I see a terrible sight: A blood sucker, running full sprint in my direction. Thankfully, I took it out before it got within 300 meters. After looting the airfield, I decide that (since a server of 20 people has diminished to 3) it was safe to raid the north western airfield. As I begin to take off, I notice something far in the distance, on the northern slope of the hill to the west of the airfield. It was shiny, it was silver, and it was going to be mine. As I came close, I noticed it was a UH-60. Score! I touched down, looting the 6.8 ammunition my rifle takes, and then, in a stroke of pure mercy, decide to leave it. The rest of that day was unimportant. Day 2: Donations to the Needy I join the server a second day and continue my loot run. Same MOTD, same shrugging of diplomatic nightmares. Towards the middle of my looting of the Carrier off the coast of Chernogorsk, a plea from the admin was announced via side chat. "Anybody have a heli?". Seeing how he WAS an admin, and I had to take out my girlfriend to dinner in an hour, I figured I would drop off the chopper near the north of Elektro, head north, and log off for the day, then collect my loaned heli the next day. Day 3: Debt Collectors Another day, another loot run. I was on my way to NEAF from Devil's Castle, and remembered that the UH60 was still hidden near the hill. Considering I found out that it was his, and he still has my MH-6 hidden somewhere on the map, I decided to borrow his heli. Upon finishing my loot run, I returned the helicopter. Yeah, people in DayZ can actually be nice :P Day 4: The More the Merrier Joined by two dear friends over teamspeak, We decided to borrow the helicopter again, seeing as the admin still hasn't been online in a while. Strangely, it wasn't there. The idea to grab an AN-2 and find my MH-6 popped up, so we pounced it. After driving almost to Stary in search of a Jerry Can, we returned, refilled the AN-2 and headed south. We expected to find it on an oil rig or the carrier, but, to our dismay, it wasn't there. So we headed north We shot straight up the western edge of the map in high hopes it was there. It wasn't. Then, we found the motherload, including my MH-6, along with an MI-17, 2 Huey's, a Merlin, 2 HMMVW's, and a Vodnik, on the farthest NW edge of the map. Considering it was a loan, I parachuted out, and reclaimed it. We headed back to On almost complete accident, we found a stash of vehicles about 200m east of the NWAF, consisting of a HMMVW GL and a HMMVW M2, along with a SUV. Needless to say, we didn't need trouble of those later, so we blew the tires out. If they really wanted to use those, it wouldn't be without extreme effort. Right before shooting the tires off of the M2 Humvee, we heard another heli. It was the UH60. Sadly, a strange set of occurrences happened as follows: a "dynamic helicopter crash" (random lootable heli crash) blew up near where the UH60 was, and I fired at the UH60. A chase ensued, and we ended up crashed, and at a tense standoff at the admin base after a long chase. Keep in mind that we weren't allowed to take any of the helicopters by the server's rule, so essentially the admins were whoring vehicles for themselves (which isn't that fun, in my opinion). After 20 minutes of sitting in a pine tree watching my friend get ever closer to their base, we realized that, as funny as it is, the machine gun fire that we took from the base earlier in the chase was by a guy who logged off, and we sat there for 20 minutes for nothing. Since we were down a helicopter, a plane, and our time was wasted, we decided to have a little fun. An admin, in my opinion, should never have the greatest gear. That's like going to your friend's house and he lets you use the "good" controller, with a chewed up thumbstick, greasy buttons, and a missing trigger. So we decided to trash the base. We destroyed the cars, disabled the helis (excepts for one Huey), and crushed the tents. On return to loot the oil rig near Elektro, an admin message pops up. "Whichever one of you assholes stole my chopper, I suggest you put it back" Yep, we were screwed. The thing is: He wasn't on the server at the time. He was using a mapping tool to figure out who did what. Suddenly, another message appears: "Sniper Pig, who is the other asshole with you?". (Sniper Pig is one of my In-Game aliases). There is no way in hell he could have known it was me any other way, as mousing over a target was disabled. We decided it was time to teach this abusive admin a lesson. We decided to fly out over near Rog, and bail out, leaving his last helicopter to fall to its demise. I responded with "You're going to have a hell of a hard time trying to dig your last heli from the side of the mountain". As we landed, I typed a "<3", just for pure mockery. Not a second later, "No message received" appeared. Most likely off to rollback the server to an earlier time. I felt good at the end. After losing my heli to vehicle-whoring admins, I feel it was only right to bring back balance to the server, even if it did get rolled back. If you ever join the server, I recommend checked the corner of the map. You never know what you might find. ;) ~Supplice VI, A.k.a Sniper Pig~
  2. This topic has a disturbing lack of Mk48 MOD 0's. There is nothing that surpasses it. Probably the greatest counter-sniper weapon, due to its incredible firepower and ability to spray an entire area with lead. It uses the 7.62, so it does considerable damage, and it has a gigantic mag that holds more ammo per slot than other guns (100 per 2 slots / 60 per 2 slots), as well as having a great CCO sight. It is an all purpose weapon that has no downfalls, if used intelligently.
  3. This is actually a pretty damn good idea. Maybe for standalone or ObjectA2 on Namalsk? That way you could get gov't issued weapons that you cant find normally, such as SCAR's, XM8's, and other custom weapons.
  4. I mean technically, yes. In zombie pop-culture the infection is spread by bite. However, a real infection (such as H1N1) can be spread by water, coughing and sneezing (air) and by eating contaminated food. If this were to be an infection that mimics real life, not zombie stereotype, then you would have to cover yourself in whatever way you can; In this case, hazmat suits.
  5. Yeah im liking this a lot. Maybe the gas mask take up one of the visual equipment slots (i.e. press "b" to use gas mask.") It adds more of an aspect besides just "Find people and kill them". Civvie filters would be nice because usually a lot of hardware places carry filters, so industrial spawns would have them. Maybe the suit would protect you from 75% of the infection rate, but a mask added to that would make it go to 100%. So that way you pretty much are forced to make runs into cities every now and then, encouraging player interaction. This is going to be completely crazy sounding, but if this illness was an airborne one, their could be days (similar to nuclear winters) where the weather would bring a contaminated cloud. This would mean +1.5% higher rate of illness increase, so on that day you would be more worried on not getting turned than being shot or eaten. That way the whole game isnt just about shooting and nutrition. It could also be about actual survival, which DayZ makes somewhat easy after a while. It doesnt even have to be put in completely for regular DayZ, but itd be cool to see a few modders get together to make a .pbo for this.
  6. Upon browsing Armaholic.com, I recently found an interesting mod to add skins. http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=18238 This is a hazmat suit, made by Icewindo (great job, by the way). (No association, whatsoever) Upon seeing this, it gave me an idea. What if you could become an infected? Similar to a "blood meter", there would be a "illness meter". This meter changes depending on how close to a city and how close to a zombie you are. For example, in Cherno, your illness meter would fill up much quicker then, for example, Pobeda dam. To combat this, you could use a suit (which can be found in any military spawn, any medical spawn, and rarely in farm spawns. This makes it more of a challenge for people with advanced tier clothing. They, in order to survive, would have to switch to this hazmat suit. For a random number, it would take a total of 2 game hours standing in the middle of Cherno to become one of the undead. To "rollback" the illness, you would use antibiotics. They would have the same effect on the illness meter as a can of food has on the food meter. A blood pack (if its ever decided if the infection carries through the blood) would have the same effect as a steak on the illness meter. When you become one of the undead, you can loot your walking corpse similar to any undead zombie. Shoot em. Items already equipped (Such as NVGS, binocs) Will stay on your zombie. However, more "loose" items, such as a random can of food on your main inventory may fall out. (Not dissapear). This idea could be just a trunk of a tree, with a bunch of branches splitting off. Gas grenades to speed up infection? being near a helicopter's spinning rotors could slow down the infection rate. When your near critical on the illness meter, the zombies might see you as one of them. (Which could bring in the skill of balancing between "just enough" to not alert zombies, but "not enough" to become one of them. Even your blood could be effected. The higher your illness count, the lower maximum blood you have, up until you have the equal amount of health as a zombie. Any thoughts? DISCLAIMER: I do not own this mod. I do not endorse or solicit the idea of downloading this mod. I do however, endorse the idea of this mod being coupled with DayZ. Supplice VI
  7. Well, when i found out my mate bought another server, i took a jeep, put a satchel charge in it, and drove right into the heart of cherno.
  8. Ive more than easily killed snipers with m4's before at longer ranges. It all depends on skill. If theres 3 M107's vs guys over 1000m away, its not even worth it. The ammunition could be used for self defense.
  9. I do that with everything. Esp. on popular servers. You never know when that enfield is gonna come back and bite you in the rear
  10. Protips: Always Carry these Items in your main inventory: Morphine, Smoke Grenade, Food, Water. Smoke grenades make zombies go very far and very fast. Commit to your aim Check a town out with binocs first, if your over 300m away and theres already zombies, theres already people. Using low-population servers to get better loot isnt frowned upon. Server hopping is. If your within 50m of a zombie, you should be prone. Unless its night, then you should just be shift-walking Just because a gun is rare does not make it better. The second that fancy camo SVD runs dry in a firefight, a CZ 550 could have 5 clips in tow. [For tents/vehicles] Make your loadouts useful. Dont take that extra backpack weapon if your going on a supply run. The more food/water/ammo you can get, the better. In contrast, if your expecting a fight at various ranges, sometimes its safer to take an extra sniper or rifle. Just because its the middle of the map does NOT mean that its a bad place for a tent. Ive had tents in the middle of forests go undetected for months, but tents at the very north of the map get ransacked in a day. Ghillie suits look like bushes for a reason. It would probably be better to wear civvie clothing in urban areas, the plain, blocky colors morph into the walls If its a clan private server, and your not in a group, consider yourself the hunted. They'll be looking for you. If you hear a shot, your first instinct should be to ask "Why am I here?". If the answer is anything but "To kill people", then its not a bad decision to lay low. That shot could be a lure for other snipers, who could find you just as easily as the one who shot. If you shoot an enfield in any city, your gonna have a bad time 3 places that are overlooked but VERY useful. Zelenogorsk ( 3 barns, gas station, superstore) North East Air Field (Heli spawns, military loot), and Vybor ( Mini-Cherno) Unless your bleeding, with red blood indicator, while flashing food and water, dont EVER go to Stary Sobor. Your gonna make a sniper very happy. Just because they dont have a gun in their hand doesnt mean they arent armed. If they have a backpack bigger than the patrol pack, they probably have a gun in there. If your being shot at by a sniper, take cover. Next check your surroundings, if you have cover that is out of his line of sight, sprint to it. Snipers generally arent good enough to hit a moving target that is switching cover, and cant adjust quickly enough to hit a target moving less than 10m. If you throw a flare, your making a commitment to letting anyone in a 500-1000 (depending on weather) distance know where you are. Know your enemy. Even if your decked out in NVG's, a fresh spawn could easily throw a flare and mess up your day. It takes long enough for your avatar to adjust his eyes to the light difference that a man with a makarov could kill you, loot your stuff, bury you, and dance on your grave. Watch the map. If you see a marker saying "Camp here", its probably a trap. For the more audacious, it would mean setting up an ambush yourself. A sniper is only going to be sitting there so long. If you hear a helo, its a 1/3 chance that it cant flip your pancakes. The MI-17 and UH1Y both have guns. The little bird does not. Unless your an amazing shot, its better to take cover and let them pass Just because theres a tent with only an enfield and a can of beans in it doesnt mean you should destroy it. If your well off, just let it be. Take care.
  11. Ive downloaded with DZCMD and now its giving me "You were kicked: Script Restriction #115". Anyone konw whats going on?
  12. DAYZ PRIVATE HIVE NOW OPEN Hosted by Z Unit & DayZ.st 120 VEHICLES FRIENDLY ADMINS ACTIVE ADMINS PRIVATE HIVE SERVER RESTARTS EVERY 12h :thumbsup: !!!!GOTCHA Anti-hack!!!! :thumbsup: Z Unit's *NEW* server is now up! Friendly and (hourly) active admins! Hosted by dayz.st :emptycan: Current Map: Cheranus :emptycan: More noob-friendly starting loot, including food, water, and morphine :emptycan: More privacy and more places to put tents :emptycan: **Most** Vehicles start at 100% health :emptycan: 15 crash sites MINIMUM. :emptycan: PVP welcome! :emptycan: Backups of map every 30 minutes. :emptycan: Clans, Groups, and Lone Wolves all welcome! If your interested, search the server by typing "Z Unit" into the search query box. Try our server and have fun! ~~ [Z Unit] Supplice VI
  13. There are many great servers out there. I, however, can't find a good home server. Why? They all evaporate into a cloud of 1's and 0's, never to be seen again.. My previous two "home servers", US 1888 and US 3108, have both gone MIA. It's not like either server had no support. My and my mates (3-4 of us) have frequented both of those servers for ages. Enough so that on US 1888, we had the prized Huey and the Dinghy. Along with that, we had numerous M107s and AS50s. We even had not one, not two, but 3 L85s. Im kidding. We had jack sh;t. But how could we not, when every server we put faith in dies in our arms like a girl in an action film. Minus the whole "vengance and murder" type of thing. Its not like we were even bad people, myself excluded. Everyone else was shouting friendly, while im just making sure I have a clean shot. Which is why my friends havent died in a while. But when everyone else is KOS'ing, what else can you do? Random server raids where we kill as many people as possible is fun. Sometimes. When you dont spawn in the middle of a larger "clan"'s tent's. With 10 people just staring at you like "oh, we dont have to walk to cherno anymore, they come to us now!" (True story, by the way). But it lacks the luster of having your own personal UH-1 to fly around and wreak havoc with. Granted random server's generally are better if you get killed by a hacker in, since he/she doesnt have a chance to wreck your base too. Ive outlived each and every server ive called home. 83 days now. Dragunov and M4a1 M203 holo, which i recently found in a tent. (if this IS a hacked weapon, as i had previously thought, please let me know so i can dispose of it.). I've had the dragunov 76 of my 83 days my guy has been put through. And when your so patient and sneaky that you only have 200 or so zombie kills, its depressing to see you put so much time and effort into a server and it just...goes away. But i suppose i have to deal with it. Its alpha. People cant afford stuff sometimes. Shit happens. Just figured i'd complain here, see if anyone else has these problems...stuff like that. Oh, and if anyone checks those servers and they come back on line, it would be REALLY awesome if you let me know ;) ~Supplice VI~
  14. This is odd. At least in definition of the word "zombie". Zombie's should not require a heart to live, seeing as death permanently stops the heart. A headshot would be more realistic for a one hit kill, since it houses the brain, which is required for the animal in question, zombie or not, to move. However, Rocket has stated multiple times that this is not a "zombie" as pop culture describes it, but more as a living, breathing person with a virus/disease. Maybe this might be a sign that they are serious about that idea, so that an infected person would die by a heartshot rapidly, too, instead of it just absorbing the round and sprinting at you. If this a legitimate change, and not just lag/ mopping up someone else's kill, then im glad.
  15. I like the idea of the hiker zombie. However, finding a crashed Huey and having a good 7 or 8 gun toting, explosively suicidal zombies that respawn rapidly would make finding that less rewarding and more dangerous than running into a large bandit camp without a weapon. This game already gives you way too many bullshzt deaths with legitimate deaths few and far between. Id hate to worry more about zombies than players while in an airfield.