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Everything posted by reapernta221

  1. reapernta221

    need help please!

    i need some help i need anitbiotics im at the military base in boltla i think is the name if you have some i can give you m16 mags or a glock 17 add me on steam reapernta if you are willing to help
  2. hello im looking for a small group or just one person i have a mic.im 15 my time zone is GMT -7 i play on medium/low populated severs to avoid hackers.add me on steam if you want to play STEAM ID: reapernta
  3. im 15 add me on steam reapernta
  4. hey im looking for a small group or just one person i have a mic im 15 my time zone is GMT -7 so add me on steam if you want to play STEAM ID: reapernta