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smiley (DayZ)

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About smiley (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. smiley (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    If Rocket wants to watch his work grow or fail through real people playing the game, that is an admirable way of "play testing" and why not? We are fortunate enough that Rocket has put in the time to make this possible. I absolutely love the chaos in a free world playing field letting players decide what happens and even on what servers... (good, bad servers could represent good/bad areas to a real life locations, with higher risk/reward) My thoughts on the suggestion.. 1.) Players/humans want identity, i think the Bandit role took over from being a "Bandit" to more about feeling slightly individual , no matter how limited the bandit skin/camo. I really do think this is one of the main reasons people became bandits, to feel different in this world. Give the players more skin/customization character choice so bandit is not the only method for people to achieve this. It might work out, it might not. 2.) Give players a safe place to communicate in game, this is a game and in real life one can normally read other humans body language, how they talk and their actions. We don’t get this level of feedback so people pray on this; it’s turned into some "light entertainment" to gain trust just to then kill someone in the back. It’s like an achievement or something. Please give us a location (just one) in a town/village where people can consider this a "game safe zone/ refuge point" to communicate; talk in relative safety and central hub. People then can go off on their merry ways. Kind of like what most MMOs have, when you join for the first time, there is a safe area in which to talk/learn about what’s going on, then off you go, into the dangerous world. 3.) Give players a chance to own a location/safe house/tent. In which people/players can reside too, as a kama from the chaos, and not just walking and wondering in the hope to find nothing. Its pretty normal in human nature for us to want to band together and build “bases” , let this natural process happen and see saved community’s grow and pop up, you then have on your hands a really interesting development in the game world.
  2. smiley (DayZ)

    Shopping Mall

    Yeh i was going to stick to the theme of Chernogorsk, if you have any refrence pics please post them or email me at nick@shadegames.com
  3. smiley (DayZ)

    Shopping Mall

    Hi everyone, I am in the process of making a shopping mall just for the pure fun of it. I would be happy to donate the model to Rocket and the project if he wishes. So I’m just here asking for some opinions as to what you would like to see inside a shopping mall? For this particular style of gameplay. Please no silly or unrealistic out of engine requests. We all know how basic Arma2 buildings are so try to keep ideas or suggestions in keeping with the game. Thanks
  4. smiley (DayZ)

    MERGED: Everything about DOGS

    Still sound like a better love story than twilight
  5. smiley (DayZ)

    MERGED: Everything about DOGS

    Not sure if anyone has said this, but I did not find it. We seem to have the animations for the dogs, a simple texture edit (even I could do this) and you got yourself a higher intensity, scarier level of fear. Not to mention, they would be great for stalking you with smell and noise. Not too many, just a few randomly through the game just to keep the players on their toes?