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    Bakersfield Ca
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    Fps and 3rd person shooters

    LF Survivor/Bandit (West Coast)

    well ive got a small group forming. would you be interested in tagging along?
  2. well broski, ive got a few buddie of my own(if you dont mind). we are always wanting to find more dedicated players to play with. ill add you on skype and message you tomorrow.
  3. alrighty guys, i don't have any contact info. so if you guys would like to tag along with a few of my buddies ive met over these posts. just send me a friend request on steam, BTRIC3TM Also we tend to use raidcall, its free and its actually pretty good. so i would suggest downloading that so we can communicate without having to use direct chat.
  4. its a lot easier way to filter out the immature players as well...
  5. Forgot to add, i will be on later tonight (8/31/2012) at around 10 pacific time also i live in California so EU servers are a no go.
  6. So let me start off with this. Requirements: --Must be over the age of 16, sorry but my ears cannot take high pitch voices. --Must have been playing dayz for at least a month. --Knows the game mechanics and how to loot, i hate having to explain over and over again. --Knows how and where to find loot, also can keep their head in a firefight. --Lastly and most importantly, no Disconnecting. i cannot explain to you how much i hate alt f4'ers. i do not do it, and the people i play with do not, so please keep it legit. If you agree with how i play and feel like partnering up, than just send me a friend request on steam/raidcall---- BTRIC3TM

    i update the gmae

    download dayzcommander google it. then after its installed. go to "VERSIONS" tab. Update Arma 2 and Dayz. that helped me with the loading screen.

    Question About DayZ And Arma

    you need OA to run dayz, im sure if you bought combined operations again and made a new steam id you could play. but that would be another 30 dollars down the drain on something you already have.
  9. The title describes it all everyone. Let me start off with a description about me. I have been playing dayz for about 3 and a half to 4 months now. i am experienced and know how to navigate the map. no compass or map needed. i am a friendly player, always willing to give out an extra morphine injector to someone who needs one. i know how to keep my cool in a firefight, and i DO NOT DISCONNECT. and i do not play with people who disconnect. I live in California so i prefer US servers. so thats a little bit about me. and the way i play. if you are interested, message or add me on steam BTRIC3TM
  10. BTRIC3TM

    looking for survivors to team with

    do you mind if i were to add you aswell? im currently looking to hook up with people as well.
  11. well like most of you ive had a problem with connecting to servers. i just get a black loading screen, then have to end process, Well i had been using six launcher since it was on the dayz site. So today i downloaded dayz commander, went to the "versions" tab and it said that i was still running both an old version of arma 2 and Dayz. i updated Arma 2 - 95948 and finally updated Dayz to i also use dayz commander to launch the game now, since i see how much better it is, than sixlaucher.
  12. BTRIC3TM

    Group of 3 looking for more!

    where do you live?
  13. BTRIC3TM

    Need help - Randomly Respawned

    its not swapping servers. its the new update that fucked us. somehow the hive is messed up and spawns people randomly. ive been spawned on the coast twice with all my gear on. same thing has happened to quite a few people as ive seen a lot of these posts.
  14. same things happened to me twice. logged out near the factory by polona then i log back on and im at kamenka. then i ran up to stary, log out. log back in, im near otmel.... this is starting to really piss me off. along with getting stuck at loading.
  15. A few nights ago i was in US 760 all of a sudden a chopper flew over the coast, about a minute later it said the server was hacked- enjoy. Then bam, everyone got teleported to the coast about 50 meters in the air. i Dc'd when i was in the air, joined another server to see what happened. and i was still falling and died. my friend however DC'd right before he hit the ground, he came back into the server and fell the short distance he had left just before he dc'd. so keep your finger on that ESC key when you get teleported.