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{LOEB} Auxilirate

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About {LOEB} Auxilirate

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  1. {LOEB} Auxilirate

    Global Bans for legit players?

    @Clatterbridge You are a failure, i dont expect an apology for your ranting on on this thread but yea i'm unbanned now along with many many more people. BE have not stated there was a problem but it is obvious to anyone that doesn't have thier head up their own *** that there was an issue yesterday that has been resolved. I hope you get bored and leave the community because I cant stand opinion pushing gits like you. Anyone that has been banned and still are, if you know you didn't hack have patience :) you will be sorted out
  2. {LOEB} Auxilirate

    Global Bans for legit players?

    My friend infront of me is right "expect" is a strong word. Appreciate might be more fitting
  3. {LOEB} Auxilirate

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Ah a troll with the appreciation for the theasurus I commend your commitment, however i expect an apology when Im unbanned
  4. {LOEB} Auxilirate

    Global Bans for legit players?

    admission of what? Being the bigger man? i think so, Doughnut
  5. {LOEB} Auxilirate

    Global Bans for legit players?

    i just think your bumping your post count now. cant be bothered explaining something you will never fathom. Doughnut
  6. {LOEB} Auxilirate

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Well im at work and cant be arsed to argue all day. I asked for this thread to become more informative and got suckered into being trolled by someone who had other ideas. To be honest this thread shouldn't be about peoples opinions on whos legit and whos not, what peoples interpretation of words are and just general crap spurting from every orifice. I dont care how much knowledge you have over CD keys or beating people to the post, i just want people to recognise that hey just maybe something has gone wrong since yesterday and we will shut up until its conclusion either way. you win your a better troller than i ever suspected, congratulations Doughnut
  7. {LOEB} Auxilirate

    Global Bans for legit players?

    I admit maybe admissin is a bit strong but even thier website states; "Note that you will not receive a response if the evidence clearly indicates that you or someone else using your cd-key cheated. It doesn't matter if you only cheated on your own private server. Cheating on BE-enabled servers is forbidden, period." to me it seems they are replying because even they see its a pretty heavy response to all these bans
  8. {LOEB} Auxilirate

    Global Bans for legit players?

    No not really, your diverting from the subject, Origin? what? HijackThreadPls If you want to talk about some random unrelated Origin thing (that has already hijacked this thread enough), go make your own thread. If you haven't been banned, dont belong to Dayz staff, BI or BE then yes you may participate but I would definatley call it sticking your nose in to something you have no knowledge / care over. Its like me seeing a parking ticket guy and the person who he is giving the ticket to, going over there and saying "Ive had a ticket before so blah blah blah i know what im talking about blah blah blah". Of course you may join in the conversation (human rights, freedom of speech and all that), still sticking your nose in to something that really doesn't concern you at all though. again Doughnut
  9. {LOEB} Auxilirate

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Clatterbridge, perfect example of narrow-mindedness and someone sticking there nose in If you bother looking at every other "Im globally banned" thread they stop at around 4 posts. Why o why would since yesterday suddenly everyone think "im gonna try to get unbanned now" you make me smile doughnut
  10. {LOEB} Auxilirate

    Global Bans for legit players?

    I haven't posted my unfortunate global ban yesterday as i feel theres no point on these forums. I have submitted an email to BE etc etc. I just wanted to point out to a few small minded people that think programs once built are solid, never buggy and always right to take a look at the following thread http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?138509-ARMA-2-OA-beta-build-95819-%281-62-MP-build%29/page2 Now you guys know who you are and i pity you. Its obvious that there is an issue, have you not been following this thread? The post was created yesterday at 3:50am Its now 12:39pm the next day and since then there have been 858 replies and 26,944 views "ALARM BELLS START RINGING" If you haven't been globally banned and just feel like trolling please go back to your obviously lonely single life where the only ray of light from your impending doom is to try and drag people down with you. Now we have an admission something isnt right maybe the thread will become more informative than it is at the moment. If you dont know what your saying / it doesn't concern you, heres a thought dont stick your nose in To all those in the same boat patience is a virtue and BE will sort this out eventually. Auxilirate
  11. {LOEB} Auxilirate

    Gametracker banners in signature

    Your post isnt showing the image either lol Aux
  12. {LOEB} Auxilirate

    Gametracker banners in signature

    Yes I have and its still not playing ball :( Aux
  13. {LOEB} Auxilirate

    Gametracker banners in signature

    Afternoon, Can someone explain why this douce of a banner wont display properly? just links the .png image, see my ss below. I have put the following code in to my sig on my profile and it shows in the white space but not in the preview. [url="http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/"][img=http://cache.www.gametracker.com/server_info/][/url] HELP, Auxilirate
  14. {LOEB} Auxilirate

    [LOEB] Are recruiting new members

    A bit more about our clan. We have been up and running for about 2 weeks now. We have our own server LU231, which is our pride and joy. Many a fun time there. Our Roles include, [LOEB] EDDIE IZTARD aka GNGNUT - Pointman - You get in his sights you die, end of story [LOEB] Auxilirate - Crazy vehicle man - Enjoys a leisurely ride through Stary Sober - Seems to have vehdar (vehicle radar) [LOEB] BorisBecker - Afraid of nothing - Usually takes a death on the chin for the greater good (as we cover him) - Likes to get stuck in [LOEB] Tomboi88 - Has a habit of jumping off cliffs - laugh till you cry kinda guy We are looking for around another 6 members that are as active as us, enjoy a laugh, and have got the taste for banditry. We dont always shoot on site, we just prefer it :P The only thing i expect of clan members when it comes down to it is getting stuck in. Theres nothing worse than a survivor who brags about being alive for 20+ days but forgets to tell people hes been sitting in a tree for the last 18 days afraid to move. If you like what you hear hit us up, if you dont bring it on B) Auxilirate
  15. {LOEB} Auxilirate

    LU127 Admin Abuse

    My name is Ian and I am joining in this thread as I feel nebu needs to realise that as a server admin I dont think anyone could be any worse. He needs to understand some concepts (which arn't hard to understand). Firstly how can you accuse someone of server hopping just by a video they have watched AFTER kicking said player multiple times. You at the time had no idea where GNGNUT was while you were kicking him, so in essence your arguement is completley invalid and makes no sense. Secondly I have been reading another thread on your abuse of admin rights and I have to say your seem to be like a stuck record that thinks he cannot be touched if he screams server hopping everytime someone mentions his inability to manage a server correctly. Thirdly this is taken from a sticky thread on admin abuse and i feel it is a potent sentence in this arguement; "Before you make any accusations here, make sure you know what powers admins have, and make sure you've got some kind of evidence to back it up. No evidence? Don't even bother making a thread. Your word alone is not enough evidence to prove anything. Making posts saying 'A tank fell on my head on EU13. Blacklist plz' isn't going to get you anywhere." I have to say this works BOTH ways. GNGNUT has evidence of you kicking him up to 9 times in quick succession with no reason. You DO NOT have any evidence of him server hopping. The only thing you have is the SAME evidence which is madness. My thoughts are your crapping yourself because my friend has actually gone out of his way to prove you are abusing your rights (and he has done a good job). My last say on this subject is we will be joining and streaming at random intervals so either learn your place and stop kicking or be prepared for lots of threads involving your incompetance as an admin. Peace p.s yes i am one of the mentioned friends that plays with GNGNUT