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Broham (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Broham (DayZ)

  1. Broham (DayZ)

    I found a Radio

    I went to Green Mountain and 20mins after traveling there I herd wierd noises behind me and my friends I was scared then i was like ontop of a rock and was stuck then Flung 6 feet away from the rock It is Ghost bro wach out
  2. If you are the Admin of LOTC then why do you need our IP to unbann us would it not say the info of the person in the command promps/Bann list ? And if you where that admin at that time Why did you bann us ?
  3. WAS BANNED FOR NO REASON WAsnt even talking just was sitting there Looking at stuff WTF ?
  4. Broham (DayZ)

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    When i first started playing I drug bodies to save people after dieing 50 times I kill everything that moves.
  5. Broham (DayZ)

    I have become a monster..

    Sounds like you are dealing with scrubs a true bandit if he wanted to take that Atv you would have already been dead,True bandits do not travle alone they mostly travle with rl friends trust me ur atv is nothing to them only to the scrubs wanting to travle faster, True bandits will just kill you and blow up ur atv just to make you cry.
  6. Broham (DayZ)

    List of servers that side chat is available

    Stupid people sometimes btw man I think all of the side chat channles are fucked right now none of there bitching will solve anything the "rabio" is still going to make them bitch non stop because i bet it will have some drop chance % as the NVG wich is really rare so if they implament a "radio" still you will only get mostly bandits or the max of 6 to 7 people talking wich will still be shit better to get a clan going get a vent and kill every fucker on sightVent: Ip: 5 0 . 2 7 . 2 2 2 . 1 84 Port:3784 Feel free to join
  7. Broham (DayZ)

    For God's sake, SAY SOMETHING!

    I think it is stupud they took away side chat why take it away from the people who like it ? why cant the people who do not like it just not go on the servers ? what there is like thousands of other servers ?
  8. Broham (DayZ)

    List of servers that side chat is available

    I think he asked wich ones still had it he really did not ask ur opinions on them
  9. Broham (DayZ)

    The War Z - DayZ copy?

    Dues not matter anyhow a quest systeam is gunna currency is gunna fuck us all over looks like this is reverting to call of duty now