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About crimsom

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  1. crimsom

    Zombie Animation

    what a boring game it would be if zombies where that harmless...
  2. crimsom


    yeah you dont wana fall in the foot steps of doom 3..... flashlight wise i think the comunity made that completly obvious.
  3. crimsom


    quick bump... sry
  4. crimsom

    thermal = op

    i havent used it ingame yet but from your post im taking it, its pretty much built in hacks
  5. crimsom

    Suggestion: Skills Idea

    im going to link you to my post and i want you to read the last idea of the first section http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/35445-crimsoms-game-play-sugestions-o/
  6. i think they just need to keep the same spawn mechanics as tents and they will be fine tent positioning nearly impossiable to exploit.
  7. server transfers are troubelsom and leave alot of room for exploiting at the moment but its really the best thing from a mass perspective. the hardcore gamers will abbuse the system while the casual gamers will be able to save their shit if a server goes down and play some more on another server. as for server capasity i wouldent expect it to go over 100. there is alot of data being transfered and alot of zombies running arround and im honestly supprised they where able to pull this mod off even though the zombie behaviour is far from perfect this is still a hugely insane achievement 300-600 zombies in 1 server and 100 people and some how the server dosent fully explode. planet side right now is a fps with 1000 people on a shard none of which are ai and their running serious mmo server power.
  8. crimsom

    Why cant the visuals look like this??

    because in the real world not everything looks like an old western movie during a sandstorm. i agree there should be more weather/enviromental affects but i dont know how often they get sand storms in russia. arma 2 has its own shader overlays at the moment and i agree there should be more skybox/sun and clowd affects and maybe some morning dew and mist and fogg but i wouldent go this full out on a mod that focouses as much as it can on realism.
  9. crimsom

    My Humble Suggestions

    im actually for forcing stats to a individual server or an individual bank of servers. i do see lots and lots of abbuse incomming for server hopping i even see people and companys trying to sell items for servers.... kinda sad.
  10. i just think thats alot of engine programming/codeing when the problem could be solved by a simple outfit/charcter visual identity system. the community could even design clothing and models to help them get some assets right up front im sure they would get at least 100+ skins form dedicated players to be quality checked into the game.
  11. crimsom

    Guarding your bass with a mine

    link it to a radio, a flare, a smoke gernade a bear horn but i think the gernade thing is kinda pushing the limits on what adds alot of immersion and what ruins players game experiance from a luck based skill less direction.
  12. cuts out realism im not for it! i am completly for being able to distinguish your self visually though.
  13. crimsom


    some more craftable weapons would be nice is all.
  14. crimsom

    Guarding your bass with a mine

    i really think trip alarms are the best middle ground for this like ecksdee and i said its really going to make people hate the game. it may be realistic and crafty but its really going to piss alot of people off even the hard core gamers.
  15. crimsom


    -alarm trip mines creating a huge ammount of sound and scareing the shit out of random people also letting you know their position. (link to smoke gernade, bear horn, flair, glowsticks. """" NO EXPLOSIVES""""" -mirrior for signaling people faraway with a lens flair. -smoke signals from a xtra large fire -metal detector for finding crossbow bolts or misc crafting materials. -head mounted flashlight/torches for camping. -mega phone for extending voical communications further distances maybe have some on the vehicles.