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About fix_

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. fix_

    Ghillie suit Idea

    Well if you are proning near small towns in grass, there are Zeds as well :) But proning itself make you kinda invisible.
  2. fix_

    Are we futuristic robot soldiers?

    Now you breathe manualy Now you feel your shirt against your skin
  3. inb4 penises and swastikas everywhere
  4. fix_

    Lumberjacks these dayZ...

    but guys, you have no idea how long I was trying to find hatchet on my last character. It was like 5 hours of playing. Now I feel like I will have same issues with matches ^^
  5. ...leaving the mess everywhere.
  6. fix_

    Knifes & Nades

    One shot with knife? GTFO pls
  7. I don't use memegenerator, I made it by myself in Photoshop, UL to imgur and then post it here :)
  8. Try hard I want this patch ASAP :D
  9. Who's that hot chick next to Matt?
  10. fix_

    Other Language

    I would like to see renewed opinions on this x)
  11. fix_

    More forest loot

    Would like to see opinion of more players so bumpity bump