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Everything posted by Fearmewalkers

  1. Anyone have a link for this download??
  2. Fearmewalkers

    New skin for -100k?

    TIp/suggenstion: What if you made a new skin for bandits who has less than - 100.000 humanity? This way we can determine who is just defending themselves and who really initiate and do player hunt..
  3. Fearmewalkers

    New skin for -100k?

    Wow, that escalated quickly.. First of all, I'm not a lone wolf, and would not act like a bandit in the scenario wich you speak of. I would certainly group of with people and grow strong, but we would defend ourselves like we do in DayZ, of course. Regarding weapons, (if we really should go in details) I got that covered. So yea, I would last long bro. I agree with the full bandit skin, just seen it on youtube though, but I like it! Have a nice day :)
  4. Fearmewalkers

    New skin for -100k?

    DayZ is a game where you can choose what kind of character you wish to be. In a realistic version of this event, there would be killing of people, looting and other cruelty. PvP would occur if the apocalypse would happen. Personally I play as a kind player, but I fire if I feel threatend. I will kill other players.
  5. Tip/suggenstion: What if you made a new skin for bandits who has less than - 100.000 humanity, -2000.000 and so on? This way we can determine who is just defending themselves and who really initiate and do player hunt.. I really hope this could be integrated. Feel free to add propositions/comments! :)
  6. Fearmewalkers

    New skin for -100k?

    Cheers mate!
  7. Fearmewalkers

    Loot crate on teh beach???

    Hackers spawns these crates. They are filled with all the weapons and gear. This won't be a problem in the standalone :)
  8. Fearmewalkers

    DayZ Memes

  9. Hey guys! Yesterday I experienced something what I would call a major bug/error ingame. I was in Cherno, and all of the sudden the parts of the sky and buildings just turned grey/white/greenish towards me. It was also like "walls" og white colors so I didnt see anything at all. But the funny thing was that it only occured when i was facing east!.. My char had full HP, and my laptop is more than good enough. I haven't tried to login today, but time will show. Any ideas?
  10. Fearmewalkers

    Major color errors/bugs!?

    Solution: Reset video settings to default, and set it after your choice from there.
  11. Fearmewalkers

    Major color errors/bugs!?

    Cheers fellow survivors, apriciate it! I ran through Cherno last night with those bugs, it was a divine intervension that I survived!
  12. Hi guys! I started playing 3 dayz(lol) ago, and every single player I've met has engaged me. I had no choice but fight back, because they're always after me. Therefore I am looking for a server and some friends(hopefully on TS og Skype) to meet up with and have a good time. This game is in most ways a Coop game in my opinion, so therefore I need a "clan". :rolleyes: I want to use the chance to express my dedidation to this game. It's so freaking awesome and realistic. :thumbsup: Hope for some good responses! ps: I hope i didn't post wrong place :P
  13. Fearmewalkers

    Douchebag players everywhere I go...

    Ok, thanks for feedback. I've got some pm's and will join a clan in near future. Meanwhile I will not give up!! :murder:
  14. Fearmewalkers

    Quick Question.....

    Arma2 Free isn't the full version, so i would like to hear your cpu specs?