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Posts posted by MaDKroniK

  1. In ten years i'll be in my fifties. I doubt i have enough time to grow up into a morally vacant, condescending cunt...but i'll try ;)

    You're not in your 50's buddy, you're full of shit. I can tell just by how you're typing and by what you're saying. You're mentality on this topic makes it completely obvious.

    If you had a little life experience under your belt you wouldn't of even posted what you've posted. Grow the fuck up.

  2. cheating in a game you play with other people is yes. tis called being a dick, or not.

    It's a video game, bottom line. It is not the same thing as real life.

    - Shooting some one in the head for their I phone or for $40 is a moral conflict.

    - Cheating on your girlfriend is a moral conflict.

    - Abandoning your family is a moral conflict.

    - Stealing from your loved ones is a moral conflict.

    There is no comparison to be made. This is just as bad as the person who posted the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting and compared it to banditry in Day Z because he was angry with a video game.

    Like you said before, if you're out and about not worrying about this fucking game so much you wouldn't have a problem.

  3. Imo game makers can often make more money by selling cheat free gaming environments to people who want to play, than by selling the product to cheats

    In your own opinion that's exactly correct. Gaming Industry makes money on making games and the hope that no one will try to create hacks for it but we all know better. Which is why they are always in a constant battle with hackers and trying to make the game hack free. It doesn't stop the consumer completely, which is obvious, from buying the game because the gaming company is trying to prevent it.

    You see BF3, CoD, and all the other popular games that have hacks? Still making a huge profit even with the hacks going on.

    You see no moral difference between cheating on your own in a game and cheating other competing players? What are you 6?

    Cheating in a game is a moral conflict? You're definitely a kid.

    Favorite this page and come back in 10 years and tell me what you think.

  4. I'm gonna agree with the mod and say it's impossible to ban people from every game. People seem to take too much offense to hackers. This is only a mod. For you to want them to get banned in a game they haven't even played yet is ridiculous. Companies only care about money, therefor if somebody is willing to spend more money to buy a new game/cd-key, the company doesn't care. There is no physical way that VAC(Which stands for Valve anti cheat), which is only used on valve games, such as cs, TF2, HL, etc. can ban a person from a game such as ARMA2. According to you, if somebody gets banned from one website that is associated with dayz, they should be banned from all websites associated with dayz. I dislike hackers, but get over it. Nobody is forcing you to play this game. There are millions of other games out there, go cry about it on another forum.


    If a game developer / publisher (theoeretically) wants to ban you bercause you are known hacker who cheats in games and they would rather their customers didn't have to put up with you, there is nothing unfair about it. Practicality is another matter

    Money > Complaints

    This world spins on money.

    Its totally fair to ban people fromplaying ANY game for hacking in one game. It saves people in another game having to ban them as well.

    If you hack your a cunt anyway.

    What are you 12? Are you that upset about hackers? Don't tell me you haven't downloaded a trainer for a video game to fly through it or get passed a part you couldn't get passed. With that logic the gaming industry would fail pretty damn fast.

    Do you punch your monitor or key board when you get mad at a game?

  5. From my experience most if not all night time servers are low populated. Any server with 10+ people are generally light out and it's a killing fest or you have a hacker killing the whole server.

    I prefer the night time servers because it's harder to navigate and you won't be killed by 6-7 people staring down their sniper scope in the main areas. They actually have to come down and look for you if they don't have NV.

  6. I was with my friend entering Elektro, we heard a big gun outside. Figuring the bastard left after a bit, we started crawling out of the small industrial building. What happens next? Well some dickhead shoots me with a .50. What's wrong with that? I ONLY HAD A FUCKING HATCHET! Are you people kidding me? You kill a player who only has a hatchet and an allis pack? Honestly? If you have a fucking .50 why the fuck are you killing a player with a hatchet and a common backpack?

    Oh what happens next? Well he gives my unarmed friend a silenced m9, and tells him to "get out of his city".

    The best part...

  7. You are the kind of sick psychopath that would kill people on sight in real life. You are a vast minority. Fortunately the rest of the human race is superior to you.

    It's a video game, end of discussion.

    It actually makes the game a little bit more exciting. You have to watch your ass and think 100% of the time.

  8. Congratulations. You're as sick and twisted in your thought process as this guy:


    Seriously DayZ community = future generation of sociopaths apparently.


    Does that make you feel good, or does this?


    (Disclaimer: Yeah shit got real, real fast. Condolences to those who lost their lives to such a mindset, and their families. This is meant to be emotional, thought provoking and reflective. The fact you feel offended is a good thing on some level. This is directed at those who argue on the forums that in real post apocalyptic scenario, people would kill each other on sight without hesitation. Not to draw a direct parallel with video games. It's to make you think about how fractured your mindset would have to be to kill without being threatened. No, killing someone in game doesn't make you a psycho. )

    You really made that comparison with Day Z, a fucking video game?

    A psychopath opening up from a balcony on children and their families and your comparing it saying it's just like how people think Day Z is? Just because your fucking butt hurt about being killed in a video game? You're a sad fucking case bro no joke.

    Get your head out of your ass. Just because you're upset with a video game you post shit like this as a comparison? Go fuck yourself dude. You're a fucking pity case and do us all a favor and stop playing this game. You're always on here constantly bitching and moaning about this game. Uninstall it and be done with it already.

    If I knew you I would slap the fucking taste out your mouth. How old are you 16? You're not old enough to realize the difference obviously.

    • Like 1

  9. Stay away from the towns that are likely to have a large amount of people in it. Spawn and run north a bit and you will find everything you need without running into anyone.

    If he really wants to add some sort of identification to players who kill people Rocket needs to do like other games I've seen the in the past. Lengend Of Mir is a perfect example.

    - If you killed someone your name would become yellow signifying that you had killed someone whether it be in self defense or a straight up PK.

    - After a while your name would change back to green as long as you didn't kill anyone else in that time limit when your name was yellow. The more people you kill when your name is yellow the longer the yellow name stays.

    - After a certain amount of kills your name should change to the color red showing people that the character is a PK and is hostile most of the time. Then finally back to yellow then green after a long, long, while. I would say for at least 5-7 hours or until death.

  10. not once in almost a month of playing has this ever happened, or have i seen/heard this happen. now, if a bandit wants your stuff, they shoot you, and that's the end of it. where is the ultra-realism that i was promised in this game? this is one of the many videos i watched before buying arma 2 and playing dayz, and i was really excited for this. not that i wanted to be robbed, but i thought that if this kind of stuff happened, then it was definitely a worthwhile experience. now, dayz is STILL a worthwhile experience, and i already recommended it to all of my friends, but it seems like i didn't quite get what i was promised. no more bandits, just mass murderers. so much for realism. (and no, don't say mass murderers are realistic, because in a zombie apocalypse, why would the entire human race wipe each other out, rather than trying to restore the population? why would we just shoot each other point blank?)

    First off quit your bitching and stay away from towns that are likely to have people looking to murder people. Instead, why not run north away from these places and gather equipment. I've died once from bandits and that's because I was in Cherno, that was my own fault.

    Number two, are you serious with that comment? You'd be one of the first people to die if you thought that in a real zombie apocalypse. When there is a shortage of food, water, medical supplies, medicine, etc people get desperate and do things they wouldn't normally do. People tend to take care of their own needs first in survivalist situation. The only people that wouldn't have to worry would be family members and close friends. If you're a stranger and you have something that family may need to survive, guess what? They're gonna kill you for it. It's you vs. them, your life or their life, it's not hard to chose no matter what action you had to take. It boils down to surviving another day. Watch the Walking Dead.

    That is reality and planet earth isn't a utopia. Most of the crazies would be running the world because they would take what they need and then kill the weak like you. They would be repopulating the world just without you in it.

  11. Stay away from F2P and being able to buy equipment and experience.

    It would eliminate the purpose of finding supplies and diminish the core of the game. There would be no point in making any progress or spending time in this game to strengthen your character.

    Why would you go through all that effort for a couple hours when you can spend $10-$15 to get what you need. If you're purely worried about making this game a cash crop then that's the route to go. But if your making a game that stands out from all the other ones and major companies, you to keep the way that gaming use to be. Spend some time to actually progress and earn what you have.

    F2P is fucking up the video game industry. It's not about the core of the game, playability, fun factor, progress, etc. It's about making money, bottom line. Games have gone a much different direction in the last 5 or so years and it's slowing destroying the "real" gamer audience.

    Stand alone full game purchase and stay the fuck away from EA and Activision. They'll take your work and fuck it up.

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