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Posts posted by liammcneil

  1. Im 17 and three weeks.

    In Game Name: TinkAring

    Country/Timezone: United States ( Seattle )

    Activeness: Yes, i think that im active, but i also am busy with sports, but since its summer i have much more free time and tend to play at night from 9 or 10 to up 3 in the morning.

    Experience in DayZ: I've been playing for a month now, and i deffinetly know the game in depth.

    I have worked in teams before in DayZ, seeing as those players ended up killing me i left and now looking to join here.

    My Skype: time.to_skype

    And to further add on to my app form, i wanted to say that a prefered roll for me would be more of an assault player as sniping is deffinetly fun its just the waiting can really get to me sometimes and im sure you guys dont want a flimsy sniper ;). I recently finished high school a year yearly and with my sports, and my games, i will be taking a year off before college to get my head straight in an idea of classes i would like to take. I think that im am deffinetly a mature, serious person at the proper time, but i also love to have fun and have a good laugh (who doesn't) My play times can deffinetly be adjusted to help further support the squads and i deffinetly would consider in chipping in money to help for a teamspeak server and possibly a DayZ server. Thats all for now, until skype chat (I'll be waiting) hope that i can join Anarchy and further diverge myself into the world of DayZ.



  2. My names Liam.

    Im 17 years old.

    My ingame name is TinkAring.

    Steam ID: liammcneil

    Desired Combat: My preferred role would to be more of a player who would be going into the NW airfields, supermarkets, or any other spots to be raided wall be watched by overwatch. I prefer to have an assaut rifle. So call it an Assaulter.

    Reason for attempt to join: I've really just been looking for a good group of mature, right minded DayZ players that know how to play wa'll also being able to have fun in the game. I love to loot spots, and having the camps and what not will be a totally new experience as i am normally playing on my own. Joining the clan would be a total honor and achievment.

    What can i Offer: I can't say that i can offer alot of things outside of DayZ, mostly because i play sports and that wouldnt help alot during a voice call. I can offer, a general level of comedy, maturity, smart, and a good group player who isnt going to run off on his own (even though i normally play on my own)

    And that is My entry i hope im accepted into Green Mountain Survivors and ill be waiting for the reply, cheers.

