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Everything posted by KazuoKiriyama

  1. KazuoKiriyama

    [ZH] Zombie Hords is Recruiting

    In-game Name: KazuoKiriyama Steam name: CarniverousSheep Age: 22 The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): GMT Mic: Yes How long you've been playing: 2 months Your preferred role and/or weapon: Looter/ Assault Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero):2500
  2. KazuoKiriyama

    Looking for a Partner/s

    add me on skype ShojoKawada
  3. KazuoKiriyama

    US player looking for group

    Hey man you can add me on steam CarniverousSheep
  4. KazuoKiriyama

    Anyone wanna team up

    Still loooking for people to play with my skype name is ShojoKawada
  5. KazuoKiriyama

    Looking to start a group

    Age - 22 Mic - Yes Skype - ShojoKawada Timezone - GMT -7
  6. KazuoKiriyama

    Looking for Group

    Looking for some people to play DayZ with.
  7. - Username/Handle: CarniverousSheep - Age: 22 - Why do you want to join Team Reign?: Looking for a group of guys to play DayZ with and watch each others backs. - How many hours of DayZ do you play on a daily bases?: 3-6 hours - Do you Teamspeak?: Yes - Do you have a microphone?: Yes - Anything else you would like to add?:
  8. KazuoKiriyama

    The Dark Brotherhood - Group Recruitment

    Age: 22 Name: Javier Location: New Mexico Time Zone: GMT Current survival record: 5/days or so Reason why interested: Looking for some cool people to work with and survive and watch each others backs. And also tired of getting randomly killed by other players.