Hello. I and my friends make camp on UA 2(Not UA2). Our camp located on the far north of Chernorussia, it is important. One of us detect stranger in our camp. He's out in lobby after we try to shoot him. We decide to move our camp to another place. We have a lot of cars. We began move loot to cars and in this time stranger back, and bring his friends to our camp. We try to fight, but we got fail. We all die. And in time of battle i detect first strange thing. I use one of our cars as cover and in one moment car disappeared. After death I spawn in Chernogorsk and go looting. While I’m looting on Chernogorsk factory those guys find me. They pass 12 km. for ~5 minutes, its impossible! One of them calls me by my nickname. He can't see my nickname without cheats because server got veteran difficulty. I out on another server. While I’m looting on another server my friend detect what that cheaters gone from UA 2 server. We back to our camp, take car and ATV and get out from ruins of our camp. While we driving i detect somebody in bush. That is one of cheaters. I try drive out him but he always respawning near me. At one moment he stops respawning. Then my car appear somewhere in bush on ~10 meters height, while I was on the road. Then appear on the road without car. Then i exit from game to write that. I can't give pic and video proof, because i simply didn't have them. There are nicks of those cheaters: "Alexander." (First time he was with nick "fok") "ДетиДушилиСлона" "дети душили слона" All nicks with out quotes. It's all was at ~11:00 UTC+11 on UA 2(Not UA2!) server. P.S.: Sorry, for my English. I am Russian.