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About simplyepiccgaming

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. simplyepiccgaming

    Looking for partners

    i have a mic but its low to hear me u will have to adjust the db on me i got it brand new but idk whats wrong with that but im fairly new to dayz but that doesnt mean i cant follow orders or work as a scout or what ever im in nyc usa :D
  2. simplyepiccgaming

    Looking for a group.

    cani join :D
  3. simplyepiccgaming

    Having difficulty?? We got your back.

    man i wud love to play with you guys my first experience in this game was cool i found a ak of a dead body in the first 5 mins then 5 mins later im dead and respwaning twice over sigh i just want to have fun lol ;D i dont got a mic though so that sucks for me but im getting a new one on the 18th :D
  4. simplyepiccgaming

    Looking For Some People To Start Fresh With!

    man i just turned 16 im mature i like the game but my experience with it so far is suckish i keep dieing and its making it frustrating i just want to start fresh with some guys who understand me so ugh yea IGN: marven i normaly play in Us servers
  5. simplyepiccgaming

    About to buy this game

    im willing to play if its u.s server :D i just got the game today in the first 5 mins i got a akm the next 5 i died nad respawned 3 times :D so ugh yea a good experience so far