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About dogsbd

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  1. dogsbd

    US 1808

    Where: US 1808 When: October 18, EDT 1000 What: Was looking at map, message popped up on screen stating "Get down from there you silly human, you can't fly." At which point I left map to find myself very high in the air in free fall, so I logged off. I don't know if that saved me or not. Also on server at the time: Headshot07, Absalom (not sure about that spelling)
  2. dogsbd

    US 1808

    Where: US 1808 When: EDT 2018 What: Everyone died, dropped into ocean.
  3. Artifacting worse than ever with
  4. dogsbd

    Hacker in Cherno.. Raining buses and cows

    Hackers suck, but that was hilarious!
  5. dogsbd

    Graphical Issues

    Same here, NOTHING fixes the issue. Haven't played DayZ in over a week.
  6. Most intense moment of your life? If so I hope you're very young and that things get better for you.
  7. dogsbd

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

  8. dogsbd

    Graphic Issue

    Read the log for the latest patch, they HAVE FIXED THIS ISSUE. They just have NOT RELEASED IT. That is what pisses me off, the issue has been fixed for a week but the fix hasn't been released. And it isn't "whining" to complain about this, this is the BUG REPORTS forum! This is a BUG, it's been REPORTED.
  9. dogsbd

    Graphical Issues

    This graphics issue has been fixed in patch but Rocket won't release it for some reason.
  10. dogsbd

    Graphic Issue

    This graphics issue has been fixed in patch but Rocket won't release it for some reason.
  11. dogsbd

    Pending Update: Build

    How does "we are here to give feedback" not cover giving feedback on a severe issue like the barbed wire graphics glitch??? We're only supposed to give positive feedback? Or only give feedback on issues you approve of giving feedback on? How ridiculous.
  12. dogsbd

    Pending Update: Build

    This... * [FIXED] Graphical glitches with barbed wire (Rebinarized file should no longer produce graphical artifacts) ...was posted about a week ago. Given the number of people who have reported that the mod is UNPLAYABLE due to this glitch I would have thought that the patch should have been released as soon as that one problem was fixed. Rocket has in the past released hot fixes for problems less severe than this "show stopper" barbed wire glitch. My character is lying on the beach somewhere, waiting for this to be fixed. I won't be back until it is. It IS that bad. And save your fanboi "don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out" comments, that has been done to death.
  13. Says the single virgin sitting at home alone every week end playing video games.
  14. Currently 32 days, for most of which I've not left Cherno.
  15. dogsbd

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Relax. Enjoy the current patch. Give Rocket a break, maybe he's busy getting laid.