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About Deacyde

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  1. Deacyde

    Suggestion: Play Dead

    Wouldn't all this be solved if you spawned with the a pistol and 16 rounds? I like the FD ability, but at the sametime, I see it as a tactic to steal loot from people.
  2. Deacyde

    Barbed Wire!

    Barbed wire is a joke in this game, I don't think rocket understands what Barbed or razor wire entails. WHY DO I NEED TO EAT, BUT ZEDS CAN WALK THRU BARBED WIRE? Barbed wire you can get threw rather easily, coat, mat, even a dead body and you're over barbed wire. Zeds wouldn't even be able to walk thru it, it's barbed wire, if its gonna keep cows and bulls in line, it will keep zeds at bay. Realistic my ass, they Walk thru it? Now Razor wire, Zeds, you, and even you inside a zed aren't gettin thru. It's going to cut big holes in your flesh, bigger than you'd walk away from. Zed's would pull themselves apart going thru this stuff, would be a way to kill them. Now which we wanna really have.
  3. Since you're bringing helicopters back, can you bring spawning with a pistol and 16 rounds back? I don't have time always to play 2 - 3 hrs to find a weapon to have fun.
  4. Yes, I said it, Guess what, I don't care about your flamer ways. (_I_) <--- there's a text based ass to kiss. Meanwhile in reality, guns are everywhere, cept in DayZ, but bandits and admin horders are plentiful, the loot piles offer mostly non weaponized matierals 70% of the time. And you have zombies trying to eat you, who designs a zombie game, has them try to eat you, and doesn't include you with a starting finger nail clipper to brain stab some with at least?!?! Running from deer stand to deer stand yeilds one or two guns, but that's a good hour or two endeavour, staying away from major cities and scouting barns is a good way, but again, a long drawn out process, then you want to go back to the cities and shoot zombies, an loose your weapon again, but turn into a gollom type creature from LoTRs, and start calling your gun " My Precious " and staying in the tree lines like a ninny, prone not trying to get shot or discovered as brain food. I've had the game for a lil while now, and enjoy it mostly when I have a weapon, and mind you I have reality as well, so waiting 4 actual hours for either myself tor traverse the lands of mordor, or camp a spot for loot, isnt happening. Alpha or not, I was here when you spawned us with pistols, and am sad to see them go, they went due to team killing and bandit stuff, but that's like banning guns to prevent gun violence, it's gonna happen whether it's a legal or non legal gun, so spawn with som defense against zombies, bandits, and noobs... Thank you, Let the " OH BLAH BLAH BLAH you suck, YADA YADA YADA your post sucks, and the HA HA HA I liked that post above me saying your post sucks " Commence. * ( B o W s ) *
  5. Mommah said life was like a box of Dildos, Most are floppy and pink, But all are tools for fucking....
  6. Deacyde

    Dayz needs a 2nd gamemode ( Request )

    Completely agreed, I wouldn't have it any other way, fix the game / mod 1st then focus on things extra / added, if thats the gameplan. I wasn't suggesting this be prime focus, it's an idea, concept that I just thought was interesting. An will eagerly await the dayZ it comes to fruitation. It was a more future thought rather than a oh Add this! Btw, thanks for constructively and generally providing readable content in a understandable format, that was helpful and consistent.
  7. Deacyde

    Dayz needs a 2nd gamemode ( Request )

    so did your sentence structure...
  8. Deacyde

    Dayz needs a 2nd gamemode ( Request )

    Umm, ok, thanks for the song I guess, if you pass why even post. Posting non-helpful replies isn't very productive, it's wasting your time and mine, and others who choose to read this thread. I mean unless I requested non helpful replies, then by all means it would be pretty relevant. I understand people will not like this idea, people do not generally like every idea posed to them, but since I haven't asked for non-helpful replies, I am a bit dumbfounded as to that being what I recieve. I mean, wow. I also understand we have a ton of game programmers and super coders who have released tons of hit mutipler games and pc games in the passed, and that I should really take to heart just their one post, and only their post. :)
  9. Deacyde

    Dayz needs a 2nd gamemode ( Request )

    Thanks, that's a pretty good idea the OP has. As I stated on the other post you linked, I've played Arma 2, It's fun, and a lil like bf3, but where's the zombies in the middle causing havoc for everyone, regardless of side? Plus Arma 2 is kinda dead, yes there are games being played, but it's not a great amount. Not as intense as DayZ, with the zombie aspect. People state it's game breaking, I don't see how, I've been playing games since NES Zelda was sold as a gold cartridge, and can tell you, no one's done it yet, and it's really something that needs to be tried.
  10. Deacyde

    PvP Idea?? Maybe

    We've played two teams fighting towards a goal, that's boring now, is what the poster is trying to say, We want things in the middle killing both teams without regard, yes hackers are one and bandit another, but Zombies are better. I like the OP's post, and have played Arma 2, where's the zombies in the middle causing havoc for everyone, on yeah theyre here, hence why he mentioned it here in this forum.
  11. Deacyde

    Dayz needs a 2nd gamemode ( Request )

    yeah it also need's more people posting unhelpful replies trying relate what someone says to some shighty WoW game, guess what, not happening sunshine. Im asking to turn a already fun game, into another already proven to be fun gamemode, an if you bothered to read past the 1st 4 words, you'd see I mentioned allowing the ability to have such CTF game in a city or spot - not the whole map, that's a bit much. I understand you may be 12, but I am here to talk about big boys playing big boy games, and enjoying them with creative suggestive input, not constantly trolling wow refferences to player comments. Oh yeh I saw you. RAWR.
  12. Deacyde

    Group up "Tool"

    Where Where you been?!?!?! There flipping zombies out there, and suvivors trying to shoot you and steal everything but that peice of lint under yer sac, and prolly will take that too for a fire starter. I kinda think we need a grp system, at least to the point where I can type /groupup (username) and there will pop his name up and let me always know he is him in bright green letters, and if he sucks /ungroup (username) What's shighty about that, huh? Simple " how yeah do, oh you, cool this way. " And don't feed me the realistic crap, realisticly, you'd be wearing different clothes, and could identify from such, as well as faces, and body type. So throw me a frickin bone here, and highlight people's names I enter into some console command. PUHLEASE! ( Love you )
  13. 1st off, I love the original, completely. Only future things in it's future should be minor. With that said, I do feel this game would be equally as fun, as a ( Capture the Flag Gamemode/Team Deathmatch ) 2 or more teams form, spawn with team, 5 - 10 mins to build a shanty fort, zombies released, teams scramble to: A, defend fort flag, B, Steal others to return for score point, C, Gather resource loot, D, kill other teammates,Zombies E, Laugh and Enjoy.Each Flag scored could create a zombie wave, causing further havoc on the playing field, Could be mini maps inside orignal bigger main map battles are faught. Just feel this would free up orignal servers from a overload of " dirty deeds " and allow for them to be properly implemented into this secondary mode. It's the aspect of the zombies in the middle with random spawns close to buildings and players, the aspect of looting random spots / static, and CTF mixed into one that makes this ( some say " Worn out " ) Gametype ( not DayZ, 1st person shooter types ) more appealing, and constaly playable as no matter how good a shot you are, you aren't gonna have to just worry about your aim anymore. Ideas? Suggestions? Hatemail?