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About sirrumz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Country: United States Can you speak English fluently: Yes, and Arabic :P What does joining Divine Insanity mean to you: I'm looking for a team and a sense of purpose in DayZ Any other information about yourself: From Detroit, played PC games for a long long time, relatively new to DayZ
  2. All the guilds I register to aren't active, I just want to play with other people lol - in game name is Sirrumz ***people with mics only please thanks***
  3. I'm 20 and I'm willing to play right now. I have skype username: Sirrumz
  4. sirrumz

    Having difficulty?? We got your back.

    Just sent Dez a PM haven't heard back yet
  5. Honestly a pretty big noob at the game, bought ARMA2 last night. I have a good mic, headset and computer and willing to work with others! Just can't handle going on my own by myself. I kind of need a mentor or a helpful friend. I'm from the US