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Earthy (DayZ)

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About Earthy (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hello, I basically posted this on reddit/r/dayz so I'm just going to copy paste it here because I figured out that it would mean more, sorry if it's too long. First of all I would like to start off with saying that English isn't my native language so expect some grammar/spelling mistakes. So, me and my friends played on a server called UK117, it's basically a server managed by a clan named "The MoFo police". We started playing on this server for about one week ago and I guess the server was pretty new back then and we could basically pick up vehicles at every spawn location which we did. We got to a point where we had eight vehicles actually (prt scrn here). One day upon logging into the server I noticed that the clan had a Teamspeak server and I logged into the server and started chatting with the clan, they were very friendly and nice people. I showed them the picture of our camp and told them that it was on their server which they didn't believe until I actually went and picked them up with a vehicle. So we drove around together with some people in their clan and even gave them a UAZ because we figured "why not, we're playing on their server the least we could do is give them one of our eight vehicles". I also made a bet to my friend saying "I'll give you five bucks if they still have the vehicle the next day". Surprisingly, when I hop onto their server the next day they tell me that they've lost it and jokingly, at least we thought, said that if we did not give them another one, they would reset the server so that they could get the vehicles at the spawn locations. And so they did. We logged on to find our entire camp gone, including the tents which are not normally removable, so we simply decided to start over by beginning to play on another server. When we confronted them about it over TS, they clearly sarcastically denied. Okay, here's the weird part though. One day later we decide to log into the server again and we find out that our camp was back (all vehicles/tents except one vehicle). We found this strange and we didn't think much about it, all we knew is that we had to switch camp. My friend took one vehicle and drove to pick up our third friend. I stood still in our camp, waiting for my friends to return. And that's when i notice one of the admins walking up on the hill, to our camp. I immediately run behind a tree, start shooting at him and he disconnects to the lobby. I run away to our Ural and figured that I should at least save one of the vehicles. I drive, as far as I can and then I get kicked from the server along with my two other friends that weren't even close to the camp. Here's when i start recording with fraps (sorry for not too good quality). Basically we get kicked over and over again. link: http://youtu.be/Jsy3XEpBYRw Now I know that I don't have real proof of everything, but I'm just posting this for others to be careful. TL;DR: We play on a server, find many vehicles, admins tells us to give them some vehicles or they will reset it, we don't give them, they reset, our camp disappears but appears again some days after, they've found the camp, they kick us from server to get everything. EDIT: Also, I know that tents/vehicles can randomly disappear but that's not the point here. The point is that the admins kept kicking us over and over again to steal our vehicles and get away. UPDATE 1: So my friends made it into the server (finally) while I was typing this post, I guess they got tired of kicking us over and over again, my friends drove to our camp and found out that all vehicles were gone except one tractor and the URAL that I managed to move before they kicked me. So, they kept kicking us until they grabbed five vehicles, and then they stopped kicking us.