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About Ozark

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    Somewhere in the backwoods, eating beans.
  1. Ozark

    What Happened On Your FIRST DAY Of DayZ?

    Died... a lot. Then when I finally figured out how to not get eaten zeds in first 15 mins, I found a ATV in a field north of Elektro and thought I was the luckiest dude ever! After approaching the ATV to see what gear it had and if it worked... I was sniped.
  2. http://www.cpubenchm...uad-Core&id=255 http://www.cpubenchm... II X4 945&id=7 Higher numbers are obviously better. In the case of these two CPUs, they are roughly equal. PS. If you're not limited by funds, I would recommend getting a Core i5 processor. You will be getting far more performance than either of those CPUs. The core i5 is one of the best performance to cost ratios in CPUs right now.
  3. I think one of primary points that people with the solo survival and kill on site mentality miss is that solo survival is extremely difficult and unsafe. Even if we exclude the danger of hunting other people for their resources (there will always be someone better than you), there many factors that puts an individual at greater risk than a group. For instance consider that you have successfully killed another person and taken their supplies. What happens when you twist a knee walking through a field or fall down a hill and break a leg? Or even just become incapacitated due to illness? Or any other of the countless ways you can be injured? You will most likely never recover from these situations if you are by yourself. In the end people who try to go at survival as loners will die out. And furthermore this doesn't even take into consideration that human created resources are finite. Eventually there will be no more ammo or caned food for you to steal. Sure there will be chaos at the outset of any type of disaster, and there will most likely be groups of people who will prey on others or just be unfreindly to anyone who isn't a part of their current group, but people will eventually be forced to group together to accomplish tasks such as farming, building shelter, ETC.
  4. Honestly I think it should be: A boring bandit shoots on site. An interesting bandit talks to you first. I'd love to see someone actually try to rob me without just trying to kill me first. I'd probably give him what he wanted just because of the novelty of the situation.
  5. A type of stamina system would work. In addition making heavier loads, such as larger packs and heavy guns, slow players down.
  6. They really don't ever fuck anyone up that knows how to avoid them in the slightest. As it is right now with the ability to run around corners or through houses to lose them, the zombies are a total non-threat. In my last play through, I just ran around Cherno at full sprint like the zombies weren't even there. By the end of my 10 min run, I had an Alice Pack, AKM, 1911, ammo for each, and full medical and food supplies. I could do this at any time I want unless I run into another player. Even snipers are not really a threat because I never stop zig-zagging and running into buildings.
  7. What a very well written post! And you make a good point. Even is dire situations people are still driven by higher reasoning. Certainly people in desperate situations will do unreasonable things, but most rational people in survival scenarios understand that the safest way to survive is in groups. This can be seen all throughout human history. Tribes, hunting parties, and etc, all well established forms of human survival. While in times of lawlessness people will definitely kill one another, but they most likely will be in groups. "Lone Wolves" tend not to fare well. Unfortunately Dayz currently gives no incentives for the need to gather together to accomplish goals.
  8. Ozark

    Berezino: The new Cherno...

    Although you're not doing much to help the problem by indiscriminately snipping people, I do have to agree with this. If Rocket wants this game to become more a "zombie" survival simulator and less of a sniper simulator with zombies thrown in, then something is going to have to be done to limit or remove access to high powered sniper rifles. And better yet, all the high end military gear in general.
  9. Seeing as I live in a mostly rural area in NC, have a crossbow less than five feet from my computer desk, I feel as I would be pretty set for the first few days.
  10. I actually enjoy the blood on clothing idea to identify players who have killed and looted others. It could even be persistent until a person enters water or is in a rain storm. But this will not work on players who just kill for "fun" and never even check the loot.
  11. The blood on clothing is an idea I actually like. It could also be added to anyone who loots a recently killed player, not just the killer. It would add a reason to doubt people you meet. But once again removing much of the snipping from this game is also needed.
  12. Well the use of any out-of-game voice chat among close friends is never going to stop. But giving bandits a huge "Omg, I kill people flag" is a lackluster and unfun game mechanic. The need for mystery among players is needed to create a sense of tension. And since my post back on page three was buried under all the childish fighting I'll repost the main point here: Where the problem lies is in some of the fundamental mechanics in the game. A few ways I've read that would help lessen the rampant killing in the game (there is no way to stop it at all, nor should there be) is first to lessen access to high grade military loot (and specifically sniper rifles and NV goggles). And while there does need to be some change to the grouping system in game, a way to get in contact with other players is highly needed. The best and most "design" friendly way to accomplish this would be with in game radios (walkie-talkies, ETC.) to allow players to communicate over longer ranges to eliminate some of the danger of close personal encounters. There would still be the danger of meeting someone in "person" but it would allow as Rocket has stated many times: "a person's real life skills to translate to in game skills." If you are good at conversing and knowing if a person is lying then you would have an advantage in meeting other friendly players. An other option would be to have an as of now undetermined chance to destroy items when you shoot someone. (Bullets tend to break things). This would also have a positive impact in reducing the overall quantity of good gear in the game.
  13. I don't think an ability to mark or identify bandits is a way to solve the issue, Skyter. And personally I enjoy the whole aspect of not knowing if you can trust someone. And as of now, I've never killed anyone in game, but I tend to just stay away from people for now. Where the problem lies is in some of the fundamental mechanics in the game. A few ways I've read that would help lessen the rampant killing in the game (there is no way to stop it at all, nor should there be) is first to lessen access to high grade military loot (and specifically sniper rifles and NV goggles). And while there does need to be some change to the grouping system in game, a way to get in contact with other players is highly needed. The best and most "design" friendly way to accomplish this would be with in game radios (walkie-talkies, ETC.) to allow players to communicate over longer ranges to eliminate some of the danger of close personal encounters. There would still be the danger of meeting someone in "person" but it would allow as Rocket has stated many times: "a person's real life skills to translate to in game skills." If you are good at conversing and knowing if a person is lying then you would have an advantage in meeting other friendly players. An other option would be to have an as of now undetermined chance to destroy items when you shoot someone. (Bullets tend to break things). This would also have a positive impact in reducing the overall quantity of good gear in the game. Of course none of this would change the fact that some people will just run around and kill people for fun. But there will always be murders, right? Especially in times of lawlessness.